Zamovlennya 7244 to the sum of 10726.05 UAH
Mortgage 6057 for UAH 2,992.4 and additional payment and closing on bindings.
Z zamovlennya 7244 lost +10726.05 UAH of our shoes
Z 6057 lost - 2.57 UAH of our obov'yazkіv
https://prnt.sc/100lvpvall other messages are closed and there are no obov'yazkiv.
10726.05 - 2.57 = 10723.48
Course in system 28.
10723.48 / 28 = 382.98
https://prnt.sc/100lz8dIn the carts of the bindings for the sum of 382.98 UAH.
https://prnt.sc/100lz8dI repeat my diet:
1. Why are our labels shown in USD?
2. Why is there a sign in our bindings for which state registration number?
The final balance shows the number
-10343.06 (-10726 UAH + 382.98 USD = -10,343.06 UAH !?!??!?!)
Balance for the period 19.02.2021 (this year) shows
10114.64 USD
I repeat my diet:
3. Why in the "balance for the period" the balance is shown in the field "final balance"?
4. Why does the sign in "balance for the period" cost USD!??!?!