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Import payments via CSV_display add. fields of finance

Client action Integration of payments CSV (Import) - loads payments.
To correctly link the payment and exclude duplicates, a link is made to the unique EDRPOU contact field - https://prnt.sc/wc95pa
But there are payments for customers who are not in the database and they have the EDRPOU code. It is not possible to download such clients every time.
The client wants to do this:
1) Upload payments with verification by the unique EDRPOU field (system or additional field in the card) and if it does not find it at the time of uploading the payment, then create such a client;
Please evaluate if it is possible
2) Alternatively: Do like this - https://prnt.sc/wc990b
If you do step 2, then you need to see the EDRPOU code itself from the import file in the payment, so that later you can create a contact and know who to link the payment to
The code must be seen on the payment page - https://prnt.sc/wc9a5c
Is there a way to display it? Or improve something like this?
Original question is available on version: ru


Timofeev Artem Olegovich wrote:
The client wants to do this:
1) Upload payments with verification by the unique EDRPOU field (system or additional field in the card) and if it does not find it at the time of uploading the payment, then create such a client;
Please evaluate if it is possible

There is a setting in action "Search contacts by the value of the additional field (the value will be taken from the field External ID of the payment client)" - select the required additional field and search by no, and upload your EDRPOU to CSV in the field associated with the setting with external ID
Creating a contact if there is a name - there is also. In fact, you only need to modify the entry of this field in the selected additional field - this is 1 hour (provided that the above setting is enabled).

Timofeev Artem Olegovich wrote:
2) Alternatively: Do like this - https://prnt.sc/wc990b
If you do step 2, then you need to see the EDRPOU code itself from the import file in the payment, so that later you can create a contact and know who to link the payment to
The code must be seen on the payment page - https://prnt.sc/wc9a5c
Is there a way to display it? Or improve something like this?

Finalize the entry of the field from CSV into the additional payment field (it seems that you can display them later) - 2h
30.12.2020, 14:50
Original comment available on version: ru

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