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Set price levels in different currencies

Good afternoon!
A task
There is a client. We sell goods to him at special prices (price 1, price 2, etc.)
At the same time, we sell part of our products to him at ruble prices. And the other part of the production in dollars.
But it is impossible to register this, because for each price we can register only one currency.
And for each client - only one price level.
Please help me complete the task
Original question is available on version: ru


Without changing the price level in the client's card, most likely it will not work.
06.11.2020, 17:30
Original comment available on version: ru

It turns out that this needs to be taken out at the product level. And prescribe for each product separately both the price and the currency.
That is
for product A we will have "Price1" - 1000 - currency rubles
for product B, we will have "Price1" - 150 - the currency is dollars.
As a regular price (retail), we can register it for different goods in different currencies.
Do the same for other prices.
I think this is the easiest and best way.
Please rate
06.11.2020, 17:53
Original comment available on version: ru

So there is nothing to evaluate. Create 2 cards 1 in rubles, the second in dollars and, in accordance with the client, add one or another product card to the order.
06.11.2020, 17:58
Original comment available on version: ru

In the sense of product duplicates to create?
What if my way? to register through the import / export file and the price value1 (2,3,4,5) and the price currency1 (2,3,4,5)
06.11.2020, 18:01
Original comment available on version: ru

Yes, 2 cards to make.
Your way is too expensive. We'll have to cut the floor of the system
06.11.2020, 18:41
Original comment available on version: ru

No, two cards is not an option. But what about warehouse accounting, reserves, postings, shipments, etc. ... It will be very, very difficult to do everything ....
And you can finish the option that we prescribe 2 price levels for the client. We will roll all ruble into one level, all dollar into the second.
06.11.2020, 18:55
Original comment available on version: ru

Those who do not need it will use the old fashioned way, with one price level for the client.
And who needs - will use two.
06.11.2020, 19:06
Original comment available on version: ru

So you write down 2 price levels, and as a result, boxing will not understand what price to apply to the client as a result
06.11.2020, 20:23
Original comment available on version: ru

So write an algorithm for it.
Checks Price1. If it is not available, Price2 takes it. And all things :)
06.11.2020, 20:33
Original comment available on version: ru

Yes, it's not that hard.)
If the client has 2 price levels, then he takes the one that is non-zero. And if it turned out that both are registered, then designate the priority (let it be price 1) and that's it.
Looking forward to feedback on this update.
06.11.2020, 20:39
Original comment available on version: ru

Dmitry, could you return to this task and evaluate the improvement, which consists in the fact that we can prescribe 2 price levels for the client.
09.11.2020, 10:04
Original comment available on version: ru

Dmitry, get in touch please.
09.11.2020, 15:39
Original comment available on version: ru

appreciated in a separate topic
13.11.2020, 17:43
Original comment available on version: ru

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