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Payments through MonoBank have stopped coming in

Good day!
Payments via Mono stopped coming in on March 17. There was a similar situation a few years ago ( https://1b.app/ru/forum/integrations-with-banks-and-payment-systems/16238-poloma... ), and then Maria reported: "Your IP was blacklisted by the Monobank hosting server."
Please tell me what the problem might be this time.
Original question is available on version: ru


the problem is that yesterday you turned off the settings in all actions "Run once a minute, if not checked then once an hour"
18.03.2025, вторник, 10:18
Original comment available on version: ru

Yes, I turned it off, and it’s all one big logical chain.
This is how it was:
The last payment that successfully entered OneBox was on March 16 at 19:21.
On March 17 at 11:13 a payment was received on the card, which should have been displayed in OneBox, but this did not happen. From that moment on, I noticed the problem.
Closer to the evening, I disabled the update once a minute and set it to once every 5 minutes. (Although the logic of the settings looks simple, perhaps the checkbox for updating once a minute should not have been removed, but simply added to the field to update once every 5 minutes. But that's not the point now.)
Now I have checked the boxes again so that the update occurs every minute.
I went into the system statistics - the last launch of the minute cron:
cron-minute sleep 2025-03-18 10:22:24
Now, it turns out, the problem is in the crown, since it does not work. ????
18.03.2025, вторник, 11:32
Original comment available on version: ru

Nikolay wrote:
there was no need to uncheck the box to update every minute

it wasn't necessary

Nikolay wrote:
Now, it turns out, the problem is in the crown, since it does not work. ????

currently working
I checked the results - some actions get the error {"errorDescription":"Too many requests"} - perhaps Monobank really blocked you for frequent requests - have you contacted their technical support with this issue?
18.03.2025, вторник, 11:36
Original comment available on version: ru

Thank you very much! Cron started working and payments started coming in too.
I haven't contacted you yet, but I'll fix the frequency of requests for Mono now.
Thanks again! Have a nice day! ????
18.03.2025, вторник, 11:38
Original comment available on version: ru

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