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LiqPay two-stage payment / Change funds blocking status

There is a site with a working LiqPay module (on the Cs-Cart engine), after payment, the money goes into the hold status.
With the help of integration, orders with goods and customers are successfully added to onebox from the site, additionally, through api, we synchronize the payment status and order_id.
OneBox lists the PublicKey and PrivateKey for the LiqPay account, similar to the site.
The question is why the action "LiqPay two-stage payment / Change funds blocking status" does not work, which contains an additional field with order_id from LiqPay to change the hold status to complete the payment? - I also can't find any execution logs.
I also tried to set it up through the "Submit a business process to the API" action, but it doesn't work, because you need to pass json_string = {"public_key":"......","version":"3","action":"hold_completion","order_id":"000001"} encoded with
Original question is available on version: ru


Hello, please reset the link to the order, where you can go to the stage with the action - I'll see which of the conditions are not met for you.
08.10.2020, 10:43
Original comment available on version: ru

CEO, owwa.com.ua
Dmitry, good afternoon!
Link: https://owwa.crm-onebox.com/admin/customorder/order/804/edit/
Action added to the procedure, green button at the bottom "Confirm LiqPay payment (test)"
08.10.2020, 10:48
Original comment available on version: ru

Everything is fine with the process id, the problem is in the amount of the payment. Box can't find her. He is looking for payments that the client would make through personal account or somewhere else, but does not find such. You can make settings in action with the choice of an additional field from where to take the payment amount. If the amount is not found, it will take from this field and try to change the status. Takes 1h
08.10.2020, 10:57
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CEO, owwa.com.ua
Do I understand correctly that if you create an expected payment for an amount equal to the amount reserved in the LiqPay system, then the action will work and complete the payment on LiqPay?
08.10.2020, 11:09
Original comment available on version: ru

No, it is not the expected payment that looks at it, namely the physical payment of the client through the block in the personal account "Online-payment of the process", for example.
08.10.2020, 11:12
Original comment available on version: ru

asked likpay support to add the order number to the statement
connected a private statement (Privat24 Autoclient Account Statement)
with this setup:
and the actual payment in the order:
08.10.2020, 11:49
Original comment available on version: ru

[customorder_externalid12] - additional process field where External Process ID is duplicated at the "New Order" Stage
08.10.2020, 11:59
Original comment available on version: ru

Mironenko Dmitry
Client wrote:
asked the licpay support service to add the order number to the statement connected a private statement (Privat24 Autoclient Account Statement) with the following setting: ^.{54}[customorder_externalid12]\s.*|.*\s?.?([customorder_externalid12]).*http ://prntscr.com/uvb4z0 and actual payment in the order: http://prntscr.com/uvb6b9

Hello, you can create a separate topic for your question. Do not write unrelated things in one topic - it's confusing. Thank you.
08.10.2020, 12:00
Original comment available on version: ru

You can create a separate thread for your question. Do not write unrelated things in one topic - it's confusing. Thank you.

I don't ask anything.
I offer Andrey a solution that you cannot offer, therefore the programmer solves the problem head-on.
and I am a user and I give out my solution. it is not the same but the result is the same.
Also, if Adrey marks my ANSWER as correct
then I will have 35 bonuses in my account ....
08.10.2020, 12:10
Original comment available on version: ru

Your proposal does not solve the problem indicated by Andrey, because if there is no record in the place that I indicated, the specified action will not work.
08.10.2020, 12:39
Original comment available on version: ru

CEO, owwa.com.ua
Dmitry, you can implement this functionality at the expense of free hours, which are mentioned in this topic: https://crm-onebox.com/ru/support/ofitsialnie-novosti-onebox/1487-besplatnie-dor... ?
21.10.2020, 12:58
Original comment available on version: ru

If that's what you're talking about, then yes.

Bodyako Dmitry
Employee wrote:
Everything is fine with the process id, the problem is in the amount of the payment. Box can't find her. He is looking for payments that the client would make through personal account or somewhere else, but does not find such. You can make settings in action with the choice of an additional field from where to take the payment amount. If the amount is not found, it will take from this field and try to change the status. Takes 1h

Start work?
21.10.2020, 13:07
Original comment available on version: ru

CEO, owwa.com.ua

Start work?

Yes thank you!)
21.10.2020, 13:13
Original comment available on version: ru

Hello, I made the setting "If it was not possible to find the payment amount, take it from the additional field" in action.
22.10.2020, 14:07
Original comment available on version: ru

CEO, owwa.com.ua
Dmitry, unfortunately, the action does not work out.
Settings screen: https://prnt.sc/v4t2tz
Test process: https://owwa.crm-onebox.com/admin/customorder/order/1020/edit/
22.10.2020, 22:08
Original comment available on version: ru

CEO, owwa.com.ua

Andrew Client wrote:
Dmitry, unfortunately, the action does not work out.
Settings screen: https://prnt.sc/v4t2tz
Test process: https://owwa.crm-onebox.com/admin/customorder/order/1020/edit/

I forgot to specify, the action was added in the procedures and displayed in the process on the button "Confirm LiqPay payment (test)"
22.10.2020, 22:10
Original comment available on version: ru

Good afternoon, unfortunately in action there was an error not related to the current task, which did not allow him to send a request to liqpay. I fixed it, now the api request is coming, as far as I can see the answer is written in the "Status LiqPay" field
23.10.2020, 11:24
Original comment available on version: ru

CEO, owwa.com.ua
Dmitry, a request was sent to liqPay and the amount was confirmed, but the box did not return the status "Successful" and hung up (nothing can be done after pressing the button)
Tested in processes:
I created another one for the test, you can try it yourself:
23.10.2020, 12:14
Original comment available on version: ru

CEO, owwa.com.ua
Dmitry, super - everything worked correctly.
Thank you!
23.10.2020, 12:45
Original comment available on version: ru

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