I don’t know how it will be earlier than it will be later, but the axis is additional:
Payment ID - 1, Additional field - 1
Payment ID - 3, additional field - 0
ID payment - 4, additional field - 1
id payment - 2, additional field - 0
Guilty pratsyuvati:
1. Boxing takes all payments and divides into 2 groups:
A) Payments with field value 1 (1, 4)
B) Payments with field value 0 (2, 3)
Since the sorting by the additional field is in descending order, then first you will be shown group A and then group B. That is. you will see payments 1 and 4 first.
2. If sorting 2 is specified, then payments INSIDE the group will be sorted according to this sorting. Take for example group A. There are payments with id 1 and 4, since sorting in ascending order will show payment 1 first and payment 4 second. Total:
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