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Integration with Horosop

Please evaluate the refinement of the upload, which allows you to select the value of the product fields in the system and transfer information to Horosop in the following cells:
1. Name eng
2. Name Ukrainian
3. Description eng
4. Description of Ukrainian
5. filter names + Russian value
6. filter names + Ukrainian value
7. Rus filter
8. Ukrainian filter
9. h1 title Ukrainian
10. h1 heading eng
11. META description Ukrainian
12. META description eng
13. META keywords rus
12. META keywords Ukrainian
13. HTML title eng
14. HTML title Ukrainian
15. Special terms of delivery in Ukraine
16. Special delivery terms
17. Short description eng
18. Short description of Ukrainian
19. Warranty period, months
Original question is available on version: ru


In action there is a setting for transferring a field from OneBox to a specific Horoshop field
Please indicate on the basis of the documentation https://horoshop.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/DOCS/pages/25296954 which fields (namely keys) are not enough for you, as well as describe the logic for setting up data transfer according to points 5-8, because it is not clear .
09.04.2021, 17:35
Original comment available on version: ru

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