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jivosite GoogleTag

Pasted jivosite code here
The company, which sent us Google ads, said that data is not being correctly transferred to GoogleTag.
We removed the jivosite code from integration, the company connected jivosite via GoogleTag. Now the data is being transferred, but we don’t have any integration - we have to transfer telephones, e-mails, jivosite names to Box.
Google tag code added here
What's wrong and you need a GoogleTag codeGive it here?
Original question is available on version: ru


Hello, in order for data to come from jivo, you can simply set up pushes to the box in the jivo account, it is not necessary to physically insert the code into the jivo settings if you inserted it via google tag
11.02.2021, 16:54
Original comment available on version: ru

Гуляєв Олександр
Друкарня "Друкарик"
Made jivo through integration.
Call in google tag to arrive correctly.
Possibly, the back of the head was broken by incorrect adjustments.
Everything works at once.
17.02.2021, 09:56
Original comment available on version: ru

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