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Estimate the cost of refining the LuckyFit Integration API

Estimate the cost of revision
API documentation attached to the task.
There are also more methods here https://app.swaggerhub.com/apis-docs/dmytro_lukianov/LuckyFitAP_SPORTLIFE/1#/%D0... B8/getServices
What should be done:
1. Getting a list of financial transactions
2. Getting a list of clients
3. Get customer subscriptions. Here you need to turn all subscriptions into a process with a link to a contact and a choice of fields what to write where
plus pull the product by id from the list of products
Original question is available on version: ru


You can develop an integration where there will be a setting for specifying an API key
1. contact import action - 6 hours
2. payment import action - 8 hours
3. the effect of importing subscriptions by clients (by sorting through only new clients?) with field settings - 12 hours.
10.02.2021, 18:16
Original comment available on version: ru

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