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Please update Checkbox apps

Good afternoon. How do I check if everything is set up correctly in the checkbox integration settings?
I wrote to the integrator, it's freezing cold(( they only drop packages for technical support to pay((
Do I need to change something in the integration? Has Box already configured the update in the Checkbox application and will it work?
here is the letter from the checkbox
Please update Checkbox apps
Starting March 1, 2025, you will need to issue fiscal checks in a new form. But don't worry - we have everything ready! To issue new checks, update the Checkbox applications according to your work option:
Portal users: updates are automatic.
Checkbox Kasa: update the cash register/manager version to the latest version, or contact Checkbox support.
Mobile versions: Update to the latest versions in the App Store or Google Play.
Terminals: update the application by contacting the issuing bank.
Integrators via API – check the correctness of the payment method name transmission:
POST method /api/v1/receipts/sell
How the payment label name should be passed in the updated version (for integrators via API):
“Payment by bank card via POS terminal” ⮕ “Card, EPZ, Merchant Acquiring”
“Payment by bank card directly to the seller's account (IBAN)” ⮕ “Transfer from card”
Payment from the buyer's current account (IBAN) to the seller's current account (IBAN)* ⮕ “Transfer from current account”
“Payment via banking or payment app on your smartphone via QR code link” ⮕ “Transfer via QR code”
“Payment via Internet acquiring and payment gateway (Interkassa, Portmone, LiqPay, mono checkout, Novapay, EasyPay, Platon, etc.)” ⮕ “Payment Interkassa, Portmone, LiqPay, mono checkout, Novapay, EasyPay, Platon, etc.”
“Payment for goods/services through money transfer services – (PrivatMoney; Western Union; MoneyGram; RIA; IntelExpress; MEEST; Welsend, etc.)” ⮕ “PrivatMoney; Western Union; MoneyGram; RIA; IntelExpress; MEEST; Welsend, etc.”
“Payment by bank card on the website via a link (for example, the “Pay” button)” ⮕ “Internet acquiring, payment by card on the Internet”
“Payment using “Tap to Phone” technology” ⮕ “Card, EPZ, Merchant Acquiring”
“Gift certificate” ⮕ “Certificate”
"Coupon" ⮕ "Coupon"
“Token” ⮕ “Token”
“Chips” ⮕ “Chips”
If you use your own code and label in CardPaymentPayload, check that:
for non-cash payment value: CardPaymentPayload -> code: 1, label: from the list
"Gift certificate";
"Payment via integrator" <integrator name> for example (LIQPAY, WAYFORPAY, EVOPAY, etc.);
“Transfer via NNPP.” (NNPP – non-bank payment service provider);
"Transfer via PTKS NNPP". ;"Internet acquiring";
"Internet banking";
"From a current account";
"Transfer via bank's PTKS";
"Electronic money substitute";
"Game substitute for hryvnia";
"Electronic money <name>";
"Digital money <name>";
"Cryptocurrency <name>";
if you do not fill in these fields, the value will be automatically substituted: CardPaymentPayload -> code: 1, label:"Card";
No changes are required for cash payment forms.
???? Update applications only when the shift is closed!
Original question is available on version: ua


I already asked this question but there is no answer either https://1b.app/ru/forum/integration-with-cashier-and-software-ppo/19115-novovved...
There is also another request in which an answer was provided, but not all the questions I asked were there https://1b.app/ru/forum/integration-with-cashier-and-software-ppo/19121-obnovlen...
24.02.2025, понедельник, 17:19
Original comment available on version: ua

They themselves said that you shouldn't ask questions in that topic. One topic, one question, one answer....
therefore a new question has been created
24.02.2025, понедельник, 17:21
Original comment available on version: ua

Good afternoon.
We are currently finalizing the list of required changes with Checkbox technical support.
After receiving the information and making changes, we will additionally inform you about the necessary changes in the settings on the client's side.
Thank you for waiting.
25.02.2025, вторник, 11:04
Original comment available on version: ua

Changes have been made to OneBox OS.
The automatic update will occur tonight.
IMPORTANT! Customers/integrators need to change the settings of business process automations so that the signature of the non-cash form of payment corresponds to one of the specified values:

Use the following values: "Gift certificate", "Coupon", "Token", "Card", "Payment via integrator <integrator name>, for example (LIQPAY, WAYFORPAY, EVOPAY, etc.)", "Transfer via NNPP (NNPP is a non-bank payment service provider)", "Transfer via PTKS NNPP", "Internet acquiring", "Internet banking", "From current account", "Transfer via PTKS bank", "Token", "Electronic money substitute", "Game substitute for hryvnia", "Electronic money <name>", "Digital money <name>", "Cryptocurrency <name>"

By default, you can use "Card".
Changes were made according to the documentation https://api.checkbox.in.ua/api/redoc#tag/Cheki/operation/create_receipt_api_v1_r... and the message from Checkbox https://t.me/checkbox_info/331
Thank you all for your attention and have a nice day.
25.02.2025, вторник, 11:21
Original comment available on version: ua

And who has already figured out where to enter these new labels? In which field in the integration?
https://prnt.sc/DFS8eEr9_IBI - is this a field?
27.02.2025, четверг, 18:18
Original comment available on version: ua

Yuri Olegovich Zakharyugin wrote:
https://prnt.sc/DFS8eEr9_IBI - is this a field?

Signature for cashless payment form
28.02.2025, пятница, 08:50
Original comment available on version: ua

Потяко Дмитро Олександрович
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Good day. Please tell me what actions are required from us as users so that the integration with CheckBox works correctly from 01.03? Do I need to check the name of some fields in action? Which ones? What should I do? Tell me? I'm probably not the only one concerned about this issue.
Thank you.
28.02.2025, пятница, 11:20
Original comment available on version: ru

Tindik Maxim Vadimovich
OneBox production wrote:
Changes have been made to OneBox OS.
The automatic update will take place tonight.
IMPORTANT! Clients/integrators need to change the business process automation settings so that the signature of the non-cash form of payment corresponds to one of the specified values:

Use the following values: "Gift certificate", "Voucher", "Token", "Card", "Payment via integrator <integrator name>, for example (LIQPAY, WAYFORPAY, EVOPAY, etc.)", "Transfer via NNPP (NNPP is a non-banking payment provider), "Internet banking", "From a current account", "Transfer via a bank's PTCS", "Chip", "Electronic money substitute", "Game substitute for hryvnia", "Electronic money <name>", "Digital money <name>", "Cryptocurrency <name>"

By default, you can use "Map".
Changes were made according to the documentation https://api.checkbox.in.ua/api/redoc#tag/Cheki/operation/create_receipt_api_v1_r... and the message from Checkbox https://t.me/checkbox_info/331
Thank you all for your attention and have a nice day.
28.02.2025, пятница, 11:21
Original comment available on version: ru

See the official documentation Changes have been made according to the documentation https://api.checkbox.in.ua/api/redoc#tag/Cheki/operation/create_receipt_api_v1_r... and messages from Checkbox https://t.me/checkbox_info/331 - there are specific options for what value "Non-cash payment signature" can have
28.02.2025, пятница, 11:22
Original comment available on version: ru

Потяко Дмитро Олександрович
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Sorry, but with all due respect, I don't quite understand how an ordinary user can figure this out https://prnt.sc/n13boRlE32T5
Maybe there is some short instruction on what needs to be done? Like "check this field in action" or something like that. Or everything is so complicated that you need to involve integrators to reconfigure the actions. You just need to understand which way to go, or urgently involve integrators, issue invoices, set tasks and solve issues. Or everything is quite simple there and you can quickly solve it yourself. Advise what to do.
28.02.2025, пятница, 11:29
Original comment available on version: ru

Official clarification from the Checkbox team: https://t.me/checkbox_info/331 -> https://t.me/checkbox_info/331?comment=22526

Options for filling out the non-cash payment label are also specified in the documentation https://api.checkbox.in.ua/api/redoc#tag/Cheki/operation/create_receipt_api_v1_r... (see screenshot)

Your task is to set up your check fiscalization actions in Checkbox so that they transfer the signature for cashless payment (if you transfer such) only from the specified list. For this, you have settings available in the action for specifying signatures for both cashless and cash payments. The rest is individual, depending on the settings of your business processes.
28.02.2025, пятница, 11:37
Original comment available on version: ru

Потяко Дмитро Олександрович
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Thanks for the clarification. More or less everything is clear. But let's clarify. I understood that we are talking about this action: https://prnt.sc/NIldy7-3Wjsq
In this action, you need to change the value of this field https://prnt.sc/n_ZxxzAjVL7U to this "Payment via LIQPAY integrator", that is, change the value to this https://prnt.sc/azBtnLshI_Ji
Well, and naturally, such a procedure should be done in all similar actions. Is this the only change? Is everything correct? Or is everything much more complicated and the intervention of special people is needed?
Sorry for the nitpicky questions, it's just important and relevant at the moment. And today is the last day to make changes.
Thank you in advance for your help.
28.02.2025, пятница, 11:50
Original comment available on version: ru

Potyako Dmitro Oleksandrovich wrote:
Thanks for the clarification. More or less everything is clear. But let's clarify. I understood that we are talking about this action: https://prnt.sc/NIldy7-3Wjsq
In this action, you need to change the value of this field https://prnt.sc/n_ZxxzAjVL7U to this "Payment via LIQPAY integrator", that is, change the value to this https://prnt.sc/azBtnLshI_Ji
Well, and naturally, such a procedure should be done in all similar actions. Is this the only change? Is everything correct? Or is everything much more complicated and the intervention of special people is needed?
Sorry for the nitpicky questions, it's just important and relevant at the moment. And today is the last day to make changes.
Thank you in advance for your help.

From what Checkbox reported - it turns out yes. You can see it yourself in the previously provided publications from Checkbox itself.
28.02.2025, пятница, 12:39
Original comment available on version: ru

It turns out that you need to provide a record of one option from the array of payment method options in the https://prnt.sc/n_ZxxzAjVL7U field.
for non-cash payment value: CardPaymentPayload -> code: 1, label: from the list
"Gift certificate";
"Payment via integrator" <integrator name> for example (LIQPAY, WAYFORPAY, EVOPAY, etc.);
“Transfer via NNPP.” (NNPP – non-bank payment service provider);
"Transfer via PTKS NNPP". ;"Internet acquiring";
"Internet banking";
"From a current account";
"Transfer via bank's PTKS";
"Electronic money substitute";
"Game substitute for hryvnia";
"Electronic money <name>";
"Digital money <name>";
"Cryptocurrency <name>";
We have to independently determine which method will apply to what (Novposhta payment control, Likpay, Google Pay, Rostega Prom...etc.) and choose the right one.
How will this field be filled in, as it will be flooded with user business processes?
either the system should select and fill in this field depending on the received payment method... or the field will be filled in constantly with one method and there will be a separate action for each method (or manually fill in the method in the field each time)
... the main thing is that when sending a check, this field contains a text entry like this: https://prnt.sc/azBtnLshI_Ji without spaces, dots, or symbols...
28.02.2025, пятница, 18:58
Original comment available on version: ua

the most interesting thing in the array "Cryptocurrency <name>"; - bitcoin in the array))
28.02.2025, пятница, 19:04
Original comment available on version: ua

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