It turns out that you need to provide a record of one option from the array of payment method options in the field.
for non-cash payment value: CardPaymentPayload -> code: 1, label: from the list
"Gift certificate";
"Payment via integrator" <integrator name> for example (LIQPAY, WAYFORPAY, EVOPAY, etc.);
“Transfer via NNPP.” (NNPP – non-bank payment service provider);
"Transfer via PTKS NNPP". ;"Internet acquiring";
"Internet banking";
"From a current account";
"Transfer via bank's PTKS";
"Electronic money substitute";
"Game substitute for hryvnia";
"Electronic money <name>";
"Digital money <name>";
"Cryptocurrency <name>";
We have to independently determine which method will apply to what (Novposhta payment control, Likpay, Google Pay, Rostega Prom...etc.) and choose the right one.
How will this field be filled in, as it will be flooded with user business processes?
either the system should select and fill in this field depending on the received payment method... or the field will be filled in constantly with one method and there will be a separate action for each method (or manually fill in the method in the field each time)
... the main thing is that when sending a check, this field contains a text entry like this: without spaces, dots, or symbols...