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How to choose an app for rp?

Good day.
Tell me what is the difference and which is the best application to use for rp?
Because I found 3 pieces and I don't know which one is better to use.
thank you
CRM for small and medium business RPO automation
by SheBo #
Checkbox component
from OneBox
from OneBox production
Original question is available on version: ua


1 and 3 are reptile solutions that you can purchase from partners (settings)
2 is directly a component of PPO
Here is the section on Integration of CRM and cash register with PRO
22.07.2024, 21:39
«Один юрист із портфелем у руках награбує більше, ніж банда автоматників» Original comment available on version: ua

Good day.
Most often, our clients integrate their cash registers through the service https://1b.app/ua/app/checkbox/
23.07.2024, 09:42
Original comment available on version: ua

Thanks for the answer.
23.07.2024, 15:36
Original comment available on version: ua

This is an interesting question for me. Thanks for the recommendation. To be honest, I immediately thought you were talking about downloading some entertainment app. It's just that now is the time when you want to spend most of your time in ease. That's why I started visiting this resource https://mistonache.ck.ua Here I found a review on Parik24. And I am glad that there is detailed and complete information about the game. From creating an online casino account to the pros and cons of the game. I like that these specialists tell everything honestly and transparently.
20.08.2024, 14:47
Original comment available on version: ua

Smith Olga wrote:
This is an interesting question for me. Thanks for the recommendation. To be honest, I immediately thought you were talking about downloading some entertainment app. It's just that now is the time when you want to spend most of your time in ease. That's why I started visiting this resource https://mistonache.ck.ua Here I found a review on Parik24. And I am glad that there is detailed and complete information about the game. From creating an online casino account to the pros and cons of the game. I like that these specialists tell everything honestly and transparently.

why do you come here with advertising? - she doesn't work here
20.08.2024, 14:51
«Один юрист із портфелем у руках награбує більше, ніж банда автоматників» Original comment available on version: ua

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