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checkbox issue with making a payment and printing a receipt

Интересует настройка компонента checkbox ?
Нужно проводить и печатать чеки в программном РРО без максимально просто ?
У нас есть готовые решения от партнеров, где уже все настроено! Посмотреть решения
Good afternoon. Checkbox integration is set up, and there are two questions. On the example of an order https://crm.ohrana.ua/admin/customorder/zakaz-klienta/2751659/edit/
1. when clicking on a stage, we try to make a payment from the client and immediately transfer this information to the Checkbox, but even considering that the action of sending to the checkbox is the last action of the stage, the checkbox does not see the payment and gives an error. Tell me, the problem here is that Box does not have time to display the accepted payment in the database and immediately transfer it to the Checkbox? Or is there some other problem, please look at the logs and help find a solution
transfer to the checkbox is configured in the procedure https://crm.ohrana.ua/admin/shop/workflow/16/procedure/834/?status=0 , making a payment and starting this procedure at the stage https://crm.ohrana.ua /admin/shop/workflowstatus/222/action/new/
2. we form a check with the action Print a check in HTML http:/
Original question is available on version: ru


And another question about the check. In Checkbox it is possible to open a check in the form by clicking on the button , is it possible to get it in Box? Or how to get a check that can be printed on a receipt printer? Thanks
24.12.2021, 11:35
Original comment available on version: ru

Shatokhina Irina wrote:
1. when clicking on a stage, we try to make a payment from the client and immediately transfer this information to the Checkbox, but even considering that the action of sending to the checkbox is the last action of the stage, the checkbox does not see the payment and gives an error. Tell me, the problem here is that Box does not have time to display the accepted payment in the database and immediately transfer it to the Checkbox?

yes, it is better that the payment is made before the receipt creation action (before this stage)

Shatokhina Irina wrote:
2. Generate a check with the action Print check in HTML

it's better not to get the file right away, but you can use links such as
check.checkbox.ua/check id/text
check.checkbox.ua/check ID/qr
check.checkbox.ua/check id/html
just substitute through the action to write the value in the additional field like this formula
check.checkbox.ua/check id/text
and I will receive a ready-made link to print
24.12.2021, 12:59
Original comment available on version: ru

Shatokhina Irina wrote:
And another question about the check. In Checkbox it is possible to open a check in this form when clicking on the button, is it possible to get it in Box? Or how to get a check that can be printed on a receipt printer? Thanks

What you need is check.checkbox.ua/check_id/png
28.12.2021, 09:28
Original comment available on version: ru

Thanks a lot for the replies, that's it
Tell me more, if there is a need to create your own document template for printing a check with the output of additional fields, while inserting the QR of the fiscal check of the checkbox into this document, this part or at least the QR itself. Can this be done somehow?
30.12.2021, 09:34
Original comment available on version: ru

Good afternoon. Can you please tell me if there is a solution for the question above?
06.01.2022, 10:25
Original comment available on version: ru

Now the functionality of unique (not standard) checks is only being tested in the checkbox, there is no such function
You can display your additional fields in the system information
like here
06.01.2022, 13:16
Original comment available on version: ru

Good afternoon Alexander.
Let me clarify, please, whether it is possible to pick up a separate qr-code from the checkbox in order to insert it (for example, a variable) into our usual printed form. According to the checkbox documentation, it seemed to me that there is such an option.
10.01.2022, 16:22
Original comment available on version: ru

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