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Error displaying task fields

https://topbox.1b.app/app/workflowtype-prodazhi/?filterclientid%5B%5D=1648%2C164... %5B%5D=50&statusid%5B%5D=51&statusid%5B%5D=53&statusid%5B%5D=90&statusid%5B%5D=91&statusid%5B%5D=92&statusid%5B%5D=52&statusid%5B%5D=336&statusid%5B %5D=463&statusid%5B%5D=501&statusid%5B%5D=503&statusid%5B%5D=504&statusid%5B%5D=505&statusid%5B%5D=572&statusid%5B%5D=587&statusid%5B%5D=589&statusid%5B%5D =592&statusid%5B%5D=593&statusid%5B%5D=602&filterdateplanfrom=2023-06-01+00%3A00&filterdateplanto=2023-06-30+00%3A00&ok=1 in the specified tasks, the "paid" field does not display payments made for tasks . In the tasks themselves, payments have been made, and in the products table, the payments are displayed in the "paid" field. Payments were added to tasks from parent tasks using the "Duplicate last payment from parent process to current" action. The specified action is set to a procedure https://topbox.1b.app/app/workflow/3/procedure/39/ .

Payment scheme: the task https://topbox.1b.app/10971/ has a parent task https://topbox.1b.app/10987/ . In task No. 10971, we switch to the "Link payment" procedure, and from task No. 10987, the payment is duplicated as actual. And in the parent task, the payment is deleted.

Please tell me what could be the problem.
Original question is available on version: ru


Good afternoon.
Tell me, after manually resaving the process - is the value in the list recalculated?
04.07.2023, 17:13
Original comment available on version: ru

Tyndyk Maxim Vadimovich
OneBox production wrote:
Good afternoon.
Tell me, after manually resaving the process - is the value in the list recalculated?

Good morning! No, it doesn't count.
05.07.2023, 08:42
Original comment available on version: ru

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