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Problem with variables in boxing

Problem with variables in boxing
A problem was detected in the box https://frandim.1b.app/: the variables {|$paymentArray|} do not work and are not displayed in the list of available variables (example: https://imgur.com/RKQQApZ ).
Please melt it.
Original question is available on version: ua


Lostocka_Kristina wrote:
Viplavte be a caress

Please clarify where you successfully use these variables.
You just literally wrote "look, the variables don't exist in the documentation and in reality they don't work either" which means that everything is okay - something isn't in the documentation and it doesn't work)
15.01.2025, 14:25
Original comment available on version: ru

Here is an example of successful use of variables https://brand.1b.app/admin/shop/workflowstatus/101/action/new/
15.01.2025, 14:31
Original comment available on version: ua

Use in a similar action on another project
15.01.2025, 14:32
Original comment available on version: ru

The problem is that in this box https://frandim.1b.app/desktop/ there are no variables Process Payments Array https://i.imgur.com/GHZ9CYe.png . These variables are needed to work with finances specifically for this box.
15.01.2025, 14:42
Original comment available on version: ua

Well, because they shouldn't be there. If something isn't in the documentation, it doesn't have to work - but it can. Provide a specific example, an action where you use it so that you can look and check what's going on there and not just "it doesn't work"
15.01.2025, 14:47
Original comment available on version: ru

example - Action https://i.imgur.com/egRumrJ.png
In the process of payment that meets the condition, the data in the additional field was filled in https://i.imgur.com/fETlfUb.png
15.01.2025, 14:56
Original comment available on version: ua

Obviously, this is the first stage and when you entered it, you could not have had any physical payments yet. Accordingly, the variable was not filled in. Make a click procedure and test the field filling there - it will be more convenient. Also, there is an extra condition in the logic for checking the account id - I suspect that you do not need it.
15.01.2025, 15:22
Original comment available on version: ru

The question is that there are no variables in the box https://frandim.1b.app/admin/directory/variable/ (example of variables https://i.imgur.com/NI1HoPJ.png ), they need to be in this box, currently they are not.
There are no questions about the settings of the action, it works if there are variables in the system.
15.01.2025, 15:45
Original comment available on version: ua

The presence or absence of variables in the documentation for all projects is absolutely the same. In this regard, let's figure out why they do not work and implement my recommendations with the procedure above
15.01.2025, 15:48
Original comment available on version: ru

I looked through the documentation and didn't find the necessary information, only general information about the system's operation.
While working with the system, I noticed differences with other OneBox CPMs, for example:
- there are no variable array payments, although on boxes where no application is installed they are https://i.imgur.com/LYjdBMc.png, https://i.imgur.com/raAHlwX.png, https://i.imgur.com/vEMrJmK.png
- the action to switch the stage after the stage deadline has a different appearance https://i.imgur.com/ZzpmLAX.png , in other boxes https://i.imgur.com/4Aol8ii.png , https://i.imgur.com/vYeKSFm.png
- even for a box that has already been paid for, payment notifications continue to arrive https://i.imgur.com/YrEad27.png
Cronos are working well https://i.imgur.com/hRohyxD.png , which indicates that the updates in the system are up to date.
Can you check and fix the functionality of the box https://frandim.1b.app/?
16.01.2025, 17:06
Original comment available on version: ua

Yes, when you provide me with links to the procedure where it does not work, I will see what is wrong. Once again: set up the necessary action on the procedure by clicking and give a test order where I can click on the procedure and see why the variable does not work there. That's all I need - two links.
17.01.2025, 12:41
Original comment available on version: ru

I noticed in the control panel the data Project branch onebox-os-2016004522 and this is not the main branch https://i.imgur.com/LSC33r9.png on other boxes like https://i.imgur.com/xFd8IdA.png , https://i.imgur.com/wD2lwpP.png . Maybe this is the reason.
Test process https://frandim.1b.app/260/?tabid=2
Link to the action on payment array variables https://frandim.1b.app/app/workflow/3/procedure/37/
And the link to the action settings to switch the stage is https://frandim.1b.app/admin/shop/workflowstatus/97/action/new/
17.01.2025, 13:24
Original comment available on version: ua

Yes, the project was without updates for a year - I upgraded it. Check the variables
17.01.2025, 14:28
Original comment available on version: ru

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