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CRM for employee control

We need a system in which it will be possible to monitor the work of employees.
You need to keep track of time and then form wages based on hours worked.
They will work in the system - in fact, they will conduct orders.
Can this be implemented?
Original question is available on version: ru «Один юрист із портфелем у руках награбує більше, ніж банда автоматників»


Сусяк Ігор
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so, we realized in the fallow in the actual work of the practitioner in the system.
vrakhovuemo hour of work, install the rules work-pause-stop
in the fallow time, actually in the practiced hour, bonuses are paid according to the tariffs of the role (plant) of the practitioner
rozroblyaєmo process narahuvannya wages in zalezhnosti vіd rates and narahovanih bonusіv.
on one of the projects, up to 200 practitioners successfully face an hour.
08.09.2022, 21:05
Original comment available on version: ru

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