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Supplier price does not change

When editing the purchase price for 1 item in an order, the price in the supplier's order is not updated using the "Update Process Product Fields" action. We tried different options "From where and where to update products:" the result is the same
for the test:
order http://box.dobroznak.com/admin/customorder/order/23044/edit/
order to the supplier http://box.dobroznak.com/admin/customorder/zakazi-postavshchikam/23286/edit/
step with action http://box.dobroznak.com/admin/shop/workflowstatus/82/action/new/
Original question is available on version: ru


Buzova Irina Vladimirovna wrote:
When editing the purchase price for 1 item in an order, the price in the supplier's order is not updated using the "Update Process Product Fields" action.

If you want to update from a sales order to a supplier order, you need to select the option "From current products to supplier process products from the "Order to supplier" setting"
08.04.2022, 16:29
Original comment available on version: ru

Good afternoon!
chose as you wrote: "From current products to supplier process products from the "Order to supplier" setting"
and the UPDATE PROCESS PRODUCTS FIELDS action does not work:
order https://box.dobroznak.com/admin/customorder/order/23044/edit/
order to the supplier https://box.dobroznak.com/admin/customorder/zakazi-postavshchikam/23286/edit/
the price in the supplier's order has not changed when editing the price in the order
13.04.2022, 13:33
Original comment available on version: ru

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