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Bug in action once per hour: "write value in product field depending on conditions met"

https://is.crm-onebox.com/ - link to the box
1) Added two additional fields to the product card - the end date of the discount and the current date (it is being finalized, today's date will be recorded there, but for now I registered it myself)
2) I registered the automation in this way: fill in the brand field (the brand of the product in which I set the current date), and the condition: the additional field "discount end date" is greater than the additional field "current date" - 6% discount
additional field "discount end date" is less than additional field "current date" - 0% discount
the value of the additional field tried both [tekushchayada7] and [custom_tekushchayada7]
tried this at 9:30am with a cron job at 10:00am and at 3:30pm with a cron job at 4:00pm
both times was fail
the product on which I tested - https://is.crm-onebox.com/app/product/223009/edit/ - he alone has both
Original question is available on version: ru


The action setting was not quite correct, it was necessary to use not the brand name, but its id. The additional field was specified in one of the two settings correctly - [custom_tekushchayada7] an example of how you can use the additional field is specified in the action setting
Fixed the setting, launched the first action for the test - as you can see from the product card - the discount was registered
19.10.2021, 15:39
Original comment available on version: ru

Thanks for the answer
But the discount on the product is still 5%, although the conditions are all met, brand 3, the end date of the discount is less than the current date, why is this so?
20.10.2021, 10:08
Original comment available on version: ru

Maybe because the start time of the action to 00 was set after the given time had passed?
if you look at the history for yesterday, the discount changed 2 times with automatic action and the changes in the actions themselves were already tonight
20.10.2021, 11:32
Original comment available on version: ru

I definitely set it at 23:30 approximately, and set the time to 00:00
I don't understand, that is, it changes itself then? I just set this action and the settings for it and wait for the discount to become 0 - because according to the conditions it should become so. And so it does not become in any way (and I can’t find the reason (

OneBox production
Employee wrote:
Maybe because the start time of the action to 00 was set after the given time had passed?
if you look at the history for yesterday, the discount changed 2 times with automatic action and the changes in the actions themselves were already tonight
20.10.2021, 11:55
Original comment available on version: ru

OneBox production
Employee wrote:
Maybe because the start time of the action to 00 was set after the given time had passed?
if you look at the history for yesterday, the discount changed 2 times with automatic action and the changes in the actions themselves were already tonight

thanks, I figured out what the reason is - presta constantly unloads this 5% discount back. How to finish the TK on boxing - remove discounts from prestas
21.10.2021, 11:33
Original comment available on version: ru

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