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setting a different display of the process table for several stages of the process

I go to the process group, the process table is set up like this http://joxi.ru/52apxnYTg5kpbm,
I select one process Payment message http://joxi.ru/n2YJld5H787oWA, I want to set up one table when filtering two stages of this process, other stages - other fields of the process table. How to do it? I filter two stages 1]=512&filterauthorid=&filterproductname=&filterproductid=&filteremployerid[0]=&filtershowprocess=&filterdeletedid=&ok=1&searchLine=# I add the date after order field, but it is still displayed when filtering the entire process or any of the stages
How to set up a different table display for different stages of the process?
Original question is available on version: ru


The system cannot configure the display of the list of processes depending on the filtering, only in the context of the BP type.
21.09.2021, 16:36
Original comment available on version: ru

https://crm-onebox.com/ru/support/business-processes/9962-nastroyka-tablitsi-oto... here I asked and they said - I filter and configure
Is it still possible or not?
21.09.2021, 17:20
Original comment available on version: ru

https://crm-onebox.com/ru/support/business-processes/9962-nastroyka-tablitsi-oto... here I asked and they said - I filter and configure
Is it still possible or not?

the global setting "Display separate sets of columns in tables for different business processes" must be enabled
and if you filter by business process, then it will be possible to set up columns separately for it (in the context of the 1st business process)
22.09.2021, 15:30
Original comment available on version: ru

Tyndyk Maxim Vadimovich
OneBox production
Administrator wrote:
Display separate sets of columns in tables for different business processes

Is it possible to modify it in order to set up a different display in the context of one PSU? So that it is possible, for example, on a customer’s order, to filter the starting stages and save the link in the menu, and then set up certain columns, the second link of the sent order - filter the status Sent, save the link in the menu and and in the columns you need already need TTN, the amount of debt and etc.
23.09.2021, 10:14
Original comment available on version: ru

Maxim, and if we consider the possibility of adding this setting to the filtering panel, for example, how are filters saved now
That is, I set up a display table, select a number of fields and click save to filter while adding a name to the saved filter. In the future, I can choose among the saved ones and the configured table immediately changes (configured fields for display). At the same time, I have the opportunity to save this link in the menu, and it will open with the configured process table. Is this technically feasible?
It would be great if it were also possible to save the display type in this filter, so that in one BP group we could open one filtered list with a list, and another with a funnel, for example
28.09.2021, 10:36
Original comment available on version: ru

Shatokhina Irina wrote:
Maxim, and if we consider the possibility of adding this setting to the filtering panel, for example, how are filters saved now
That is, I set up a display table, select a number of fields and click save to filter while adding a name to the saved filter. In the future, I can choose among the saved ones and the configured table immediately changes (configured fields for display). At the same time, I have the opportunity to save this link in the menu, and it will open with the configured process table. Is this technically feasible?
It would be great if it were also possible to save the display type in this filter, so that in one BP group we could open one filtered list with a list, and another with a funnel, for example

It is technically possible to implement customization of the displayed columns depending on the filtering. But this is a very laborious task, it will take about 20 hours.
28.09.2021, 14:56
Original comment available on version: ru

Maxim, maybe there is a simpler option?
We have different links in the menu with filtered process stages, often it is one process but several links with different stages. Maybe you can add a table field setting directly to Create a new menu item? Or maybe here https://crm.ohrana.ua/admin/monitor/table/setting/1/ you can save several options for setting table fields and add a sign of this setting to the link?
Maybe you have ideas how to implement, but not so expensive? Thanks
28.09.2021, 15:31
Original comment available on version: ru

Maybe you have ideas how to implement, but not so expensive?
All my options can only be for the benefit of the product, and therefore they are evaluated not from the principle of "cheaper", but from the principle of "more useful".
I discuss such improvements with the management - and apparently a "useful" option with setting the interface according to the saved filters, which was appreciated.
We will not implement any "crutches" that no one can normally use.
28.09.2021, 16:05
Original comment available on version: ru

Tyndyk Maxim Vadimovich
OneBox production
Administrator wrote:
Maybe you have ideas how to implement, but not so expensive?

All my options can only be for the benefit of the product, and therefore they are evaluated not from the principle of "cheaper", but from the principle of "more useful".
I discuss such improvements with the management - and apparently a "useful" option with setting the interface according to the saved filters, which was appreciated.
We will not implement any "crutches" that no one can normally use.

Maxim, I'm not asking for spike improvements, we don't need them, just like you, but the 20-hour price tag is unrealistic, and in this case there will be no "benefit for the product" at all, because it is unlikely that someone will do this improvement for that kind of money. That is why I asked if there is an option cheaper, but at the same time "normal" in implementation?
28.09.2021, 16:48
Original comment available on version: ru

That is why I asked if there is an option cheaper, but at the same time "normal" in implementation?

I do not see another option that is as extensive in settings (directly for different filtering options). There is work - there is time to complete it.
If you want "cheaper" - simplify your requirements in the setup.
29.09.2021, 16:09
Original comment available on version: ru

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