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How to set up call scheduling and call notifications

Good afternoon, is it possible to set up call notifications to be made to the customer in 5-10 minutes
We have the creation of a customer funnel in the tasks, is it possible to schedule the next call with the customer and when the time of the call is approaching, notifications came
And 2 questions, is it possible to set up a report on processed tasks per day (how many calls, minutes, missed calls, and comments)?
Original question is available on version: ua


1. In a task, you can set a notification either by an action or manually
2. A report on the number of calls, etc. is available in the report designer
https://1b.app/ua/partner/onebox-corp/ contact integrators, they can easily set it up.
07.09.2023, 12:32
Original comment available on version: ru

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