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Improve functionality: Export products in YML format

Есть необходимость расширения уже существующего функционала?
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It is necessary to improve the functionality for unloading goods via XML with a definition of how the goods are sold
* Retail
* Wholesale only
* Wholesale and Retail
* Service
Here is an example of how the PROM portal wants to see in the file:
<offer id="Item_ID" available="Availability" selling_type="Product_Type">
in the offer tag, the selling_type attribute
r - "Product sold only at retail" for consumer and industrial products with retail prices.
w - "Item sold only in bulk" for consumer and industrial products that are sold only in bulk.
u - "Product is sold wholesale and retail" for products that are sold both wholesale and retail.
s - service.
It is also necessary to add the possibility thanks to which it will be possible to generate massively according to the formulas: EXAMPLE !!!
Price 100 UAH
from 5 : 95 UAH
from 10 : 90 UAH
from 15: 80 UAH
from 20: 70 UAH
And the ability to wrap it in the same way according to
Original question is available on version: ru


EvoSmart Solution
You also need to add a checkbox.
[ * ] Unload the filter unit from the name in parentheses.
Power, W)
<param name="Feature_name" unit="Value_unit"> Product_feature_value</param>
<param name="Power" unit="W">1500</param>
Length (cm)
<param name="Length " unit="cm">25</param>
18.01.2022, 12:35
Original comment available on version: ru

Good afternoon. There is a special action for prom to generate xml, why don't you use it?
18.01.2022, 13:42
Original comment available on version: ru

EvoSmart Solution

Father Frost
OneBox production wrote:
Good afternoon. There is a special action for prom to generate xml, why don't you use it?

Please note that I highlighted in the title, finished the functionality for this action)))
That's the problem, that in that action there are no those functions that I listed)
18.01.2022, 14:27
Original comment available on version: ru

1. mixed up the names of the actions.
try to do this do this on a test upload (so as not to break anything)
18.01.2022, 14:42
Original comment available on version: ru

EvoSmart Solution

Father Frost
OneBox production wrote:
1. mixed up the names of the actions.
try to do this do this on a test upload (so as not to break anything)

I'm trying ;)
18.01.2022, 14:45
Original comment available on version: ru

EvoSmart Solution

Father Frost
OneBox production wrote:
1. mixed up the names of the actions.
try to do this do this on a test upload (so as not to break anything)

C selling_type Everything turned out ))) Low bow
But with prices, unfortunately, nothing happened, it’s strange that I don’t save additional prices for types of prices (the window opens to indicate the number and prices of a couple of options), but it doesn’t save. This is a manual option for each product.
My product prices are formed by a formula in product automation according to the specified margin in each product...
That is, in the 1st category of goods, different products may have different markup options. for some goods 10 for some 20 and for some and 60%
Accordingly, I have this formula based on the established margin.
Here I have a problem how to enter information using a formula in the same way in setting prices
Let's say I now have a formula for the usual type of purchase price + 30%, this is for the quantity of 1 pc. And I want to do this: Quantity in the box (additional field) 100
And so we went...
Price: purchase+30
And in the price settings somehow drive the quantity and prices, respectively, with a formula. * so that formulas can also be applied to the cell with the quantity in prices
additional field / 4 = 25 | purchase+20
additional field / 2 = 50 | purchase+15
additional field / 1 = 100 | purchase+10
It’s just that at the moment it’s unrealistic to change 3k goods by hand when you want 2-3 or 4 price options for different quantities, but there are plans to increase the range.
18.01.2022, 16:22
Original comment available on version: ru

Those. in essence, you need an action in automation in which:
1. In a separate field, write the formula for the standard price field Quantity FROM: [customfieldvalue_ХХХ]/4 and the formula for the price value [pricebase]+20 and this action should work only if the product category is XXX and write the price for the quantity from for the updated product.
Did I understand everything correctly? If so, the action will take about 7 hours.
02.02.2022, 14:42
Original comment available on version: ru

EvoSmart Solution

Father Frost
OneBox production wrote:
Those. in essence, you need an action in automation in which:
1. In a separate field, write the formula for the standard price field Quantity FROM: [customfieldvalue_ХХХ]/4 and the formula for the price value [pricebase]+20 and this action should work only if the product category is XXX and write the price for the quantity from for the updated product.
Did I understand everything correctly? If so, the action will take about 7 hours.

Yes, you need an action by analogy "Calculate the value using the formula and write it to the specified field" (when saving) so that you can select the "Price type" for which to generate a value with a set of 5 lines as in the price settings in the product card and already in these lines divided into two columns to form the necessary formulas for me to calculate the quantity and prices.
03.02.2022, 06:37
Original comment available on version: ru

EvoSmart Solution
Here is the price setting and formulas
03.02.2022, 06:40
Original comment available on version: ru

yes, that means I understood you correctly. Rating is the same, invoice?
03.02.2022, 11:06
Original comment available on version: ru

EvoSmart Solution

Father Frost
OneBox production wrote:
yes, that means I understood you correctly. Rating is the same, invoice?

Yes, of course, everything was already agreed with Denis and I paid.
There is a moment that just now occurred to me.
It will be necessary to round up the same thing, because let's say if 3/2 it will be the price of 1.5 pieces, which is not correct)
03.02.2022, 13:50
Original comment available on version: ru

I can do both smaller and larger, and so on, the question is how you need
03.02.2022, 14:29
Original comment available on version: ru

EvoSmart Solution

Father Frost
OneBox production wrote:
I can do both smaller and larger, and so on, the question is how you need

Let's take a better look at some possibility.
Since until I start testing, I can not say for sure
In principle, the idea for the calculation was taken from the Packing of goods in a box, and there are about 40 options for these packings, ranging from large-sized goods with packing of 2 pieces in a box and ending with 4000-5000 pieces in a box.
This is where a large amount is divided into 5-6 parts with a different margin, I understand that there will be problems
And how to divide 5-6 prices from the quantity when the packaging is 3-5-6-7-9-12 At this point it's hard for me to tell you.
I think in the process we can correct the action
03.02.2022, 14:37
Original comment available on version: ru

EvoSmart Solution
Or make a rule (Calculate on the condition that the additional field XXXXXXX > XXX values
All exactly it will be calculated on the basis of the additional field
Or do it the other way around
Do 20-30 of these actions with a check for compliance and they will work for each value of the additional field according to their own formulas
If additional field хххх = 12 then Such then formulas
If additional field xxxx = 16 then Such formulas
and so on
03.02.2022, 14:40
Original comment available on version: ru

EvoSmart Solution
Or do a validation
If the number is from XX to XX then one formula for divisions and multiplications
If the number is from XX to XX then another formula for divisions and multiplications
03.02.2022, 14:42
Original comment available on version: ru

Do you mean the number that you got after calculating the formula for the "Quantity from" field or depending on the value of an additional field of a certain one? Try to take 2-3 random products and think over what numbers you need to take for what to divide and so on so that you have clear formulas for this or that case and then you can tell me about them. Purely technically, I can implement a lot of things, I just need to understand exactly what you want)
03.02.2022, 15:00
Original comment available on version: ru

EvoSmart Solution
If taken purely theoretically, then it would be more correct to form formulas, provided that the number in the additional field corresponds to the criterion
from and to
If it matches, we execute my set of formulas
this way I can do XX number of actions with triggering, provided that there is an additional field with a number from and to
that is, if the additional field is from 12 to 23
then one set of formulas and pricing
if the number of additional fields is from 24 to 47
then another set of formulas and pricing
if the number of additional fields is from 2 to 6
then another version of the set of formulas with pricing
I think this is the best way to go
03.02.2022, 17:17
Original comment available on version: ru

Yes, it can be done. The setting "Start calculation only if the XXX field is in the interval From and To" will be in effect. Am I going to work?
04.02.2022, 10:39
Original comment available on version: ru

I see you have 2 boxes on different versions, please tell me in which of them do you need to refine os or mvp (you can’t do both)?
04.02.2022, 11:44
Original comment available on version: ru

EvoSmart Solution

Father Frost
OneBox production wrote:
I see you have 2 boxes on different versions, please tell me in which of them do you need to refine os or mvp (you can’t do both)?

in os
04.02.2022, 18:33
Original comment available on version: ru

EvoSmart Solution

Father Frost
OneBox production wrote:
Yes, it can be done. The setting "Start calculation only if the XXX field is in the interval From and To" will be in effect. Am I going to work?

04.02.2022, 18:34
Original comment available on version: ru

Good afternoon. Uploaded the revision to your box. Action "Calculate the value using the formula and write it to the specified field". It has the following settings:
. At the very bottom of the action are the conditions under which it can work. In your case, you need to add 2 conditions there: The field is greater than XXX and the field is less than YYY. Those. if you want the action to work only for products with a field in the range from 12 to 23, set the condition field > 11 and field < 24. And so for all conditions. For tests, I ask you to immediately select the action to work only for the test category of goods, so as not to break anything in pricing. Thank you!
07.02.2022, 17:58
Original comment available on version: ru

EvoSmart Solution
I'll study well, I'll unsubscribe today
07.02.2022, 18:02
Original comment available on version: ru

My work day has ended today, I can only answer tomorrow. If you suddenly have any problems or questions on the action - I will answer in the morning.
07.02.2022, 18:03
Original comment available on version: ru

EvoSmart Solution

Father Frost
OneBox production wrote:
My work day has ended today, I can only answer tomorrow. If you suddenly have any problems or questions on the action - I will answer in the morning.

Yes, of course, I will test only the moment I did not find where to choose for which "Price Type" to indicate the price from the quantity
I have the main price acts as a retail
There is also a wholesale price type, you also need to specify it there, but how can I specify it?
07.02.2022, 18:39
Original comment available on version: ru

EvoSmart Solution
From the checked, I can’t choose for which type of prices to put down the quantity with the price formula works for the campaign only for the Main price of the goods
And with your answer to uploading prices for prom in the prices tag, the prom does not fully work correctly, the price for the quantity does not exist because there is no internal price tag in the prices tag
Here is how the prom writes in his manuals:
Retail price
this is how we generate xml with your hint
08.02.2022, 09:49
Original comment available on version: ru

Father Frost
OneBox production wrote:
1. In a separate field, write the formula for the standard price field Quantity FROM: [customfieldvalue_ХХХ]/4 and the formula for the price value [pricebase]+20 and this action should work only if the product category is XXX and write the price for the quantity from for the updated product.

I wrote above for the STANDARD price, not for the level of tse, anything else. For the Price field. Do you need quantity for price levels?
08.02.2022, 10:15
Original comment available on version: ru

EvoSmart Solution

Father Frost
OneBox production wrote:
I wrote above for the STANDARD price, not for the level of tse, anything else. For the Price field. Do you need quantity for price levels?

I need for the Basic Price and for the Price Types
Since the main price should be uploaded to the retail site with its quantities and markups on the quantity
And on the wholesale site, the Price Type is uploaded for which it is also necessary to form prices based on the quantity.
08.02.2022, 10:28
Original comment available on version: ru

EvoSmart Solution

BAAS wrote:

Father Frost
OneBox production wrote:
Those. in essence, you need an action in automation in which:
1. In a separate field, write the formula for the standard price field Quantity FROM: [customfieldvalue_ХХХ]/4 and the formula for the price value [pricebase]+20 and this action should work only if the product category is XXX and write the price for the quantity from for the updated product.
Did I understand everything correctly? If so, the action will take about 7 hours.

Yes, you need an action by analogy "Calculate the value using the formula and write it to the specified field" (when saving) so that you can select the "Price type" for which to generate a value with a set of 5 lines as in the price settings in the product card and already in these lines divided into two columns to form the necessary formulas for me to calculate the quantity and prices.

Here I indicated that it would be possible to select the Type of price for which we will fill in the price setting ....
08.02.2022, 10:29
Original comment available on version: ru

I'll do it in a few days.
08.02.2022, 10:31
Original comment available on version: ru

EvoSmart Solution

Father Frost
OneBox production wrote:
I'll do it in a few days.

Yes, I'm not in a hurry at all.
Can you tell me what to do with the basic prices ???
For the promo, it does not fully unload correctly
08.02.2022, 10:33
Original comment available on version: ru

try specifying the path as prices/price instead of prices. I don't remember exactly if it works like this, but it might work.
08.02.2022, 10:35
Original comment available on version: ru

EvoSmart Solution

Father Frost
OneBox production wrote:

Ok I'm going to try
08.02.2022, 10:57
Original comment available on version: ru

EvoSmart Solution

Father Frost
OneBox production wrote:
try specifying the path as prices/price instead of prices. I don't remember exactly if it works like this, but it might work.

It worked ;)
08.02.2022, 11:43
Original comment available on version: ru

EvoSmart Solution

Father Frost
OneBox production wrote:
try specifying the path as prices/price instead of prices. I don't remember exactly if it works like this, but it might work.

Tell me, please, how to fix the number, what would be unloaded without characters?
Promuasupport_bot, [08.02.2022 11:57]
Just say 2. Without zero smut.
Vadim GERAsimenko, [08.02.2022 12:00]
Hmm.. But that's how all numbers are transmitted in my system
Promuasupport_bot, [08.02.2022 12:01]
Whose system is incomprehensible. So fix it.
08.02.2022, 12:02
Original comment available on version: ru

EvoSmart Solution
Add the cost of time, please, I'll pay.
The solution to this situation, this moment is very important to me
08.02.2022, 12:04
Original comment available on version: ru

Okay, along with the edits described above, I'll make the setup work, it will take about an hour. I will invoice later
08.02.2022, 12:10
Original comment available on version: ru

EvoSmart Solution
Round(FORMULA,0) didn't work ;)
08.02.2022, 12:12
Original comment available on version: ru

EvoSmart Solution

Father Frost
OneBox production wrote:
Okay, along with the edits described above, I'll make the setup work, it will take about an hour. I will invoice later

I will pay in the same way as I paid for the start
08.02.2022, 12:13
Original comment available on version: ru

BAAS wrote:
Round(FORMULA,0) didn't work ;)

there is also number_format, try it.
08.02.2022, 12:15
Original comment available on version: ru

EvoSmart Solution

Father Frost
OneBox production wrote:

BAAS wrote:
Round(FORMULA,0) didn't work ;)

there is also number_format, try it.

number_forma(1+1,0) So specify ?
08.02.2022, 12:37
Original comment available on version: ru

If you prescribe this in the action that puts down prices, then this does not affect the unloading on the prom, there will still be zeros (because this is the data format in the database), you need to edit it in the unloading action
08.02.2022, 12:40
Original comment available on version: ru

EvoSmart Solution

Father Frost
OneBox production wrote:
If you prescribe this in the action that puts down prices, then this does not affect the unloading on the prom, there will still be zeros (because this is the data format in the database), you need to edit it in the unloading action

Ok then I'll wait...))) because our main idea is not profitable without the correct upload to the prom)
08.02.2022, 12:42
Original comment available on version: ru

I made it so that in action it was possible to set the Quantity from the formula for the price level.
And added the setting "When uploading "Quantities from" for prices, use integers" in the upload action.
08.02.2022, 16:48
Original comment available on version: ru

EvoSmart Solution

Father Frost
OneBox production wrote:
I made it so that in action it was possible to set the Quantity from the formula for the price level.
And added the setting "When uploading "Quantities from" for prices, use integers" in the upload action.

OK ;)
I'm going to test)
09.02.2022, 10:23
Original comment available on version: ru

EvoSmart Solution

anonymous hamster
OneBox production wrote:
I made it so that in action it was possible to set the Quantity from the formula for the price level.
And added the setting "When uploading "Quantities from" for prices, use integers" in the upload action.

In the action for uploading to the added prices/price tag, I don’t see the option to upload the price settings by Type. Is it also tedious to modify?
For the main price, there is an item for uploading price settings, but for Price Types I don’t see it in the drop-down list.
Or what I'm looking for in the wrong place
PS. According to the improvements regarding the upper correspondence, everything works with a bang
11.02.2022, 13:55
Original comment available on version: ru

Yes, it needs to be improved. But you unload the main price in prices, where do you want to unload additional ones? Same way? Will there be confusion?
11.02.2022, 14:11
Original comment available on version: ru

EvoSmart Solution

anonymous hamster
OneBox production wrote:
Yes, it needs to be improved. But you unload the main price in prices, where do you want to unload additional ones? Same way? Will there be confusion?

No, I have 2 unloadings Retail and postal.
Here for wholesale unloading, you need to unload the price setting
1 upload with the main price and its settings for the Retail site
2 upload with the main price and its settings for the Wholesale site
Well, and so on.
11.02.2022, 16:22
Original comment available on version: ru

Yep, got it. I'll try to do it today, it will take about an hour to add
11.02.2022, 16:29
Original comment available on version: ru

EvoSmart Solution

anonymous hamster
OneBox production wrote:
Yep, got it. I'll try to do it today, it will take about an hour to add

Not a question at all.
11.02.2022, 16:30
Original comment available on version: ru

In action there was a choice of item "Additional product price levels ...". I issue an invoice for 2 hours (1+1), please pay it. If you pay again the last one for 7, the person who accepts will not understand what kind of extra. 2 hours of revision. Thank you.
11.02.2022, 17:28
Original comment available on version: ru

EvoSmart Solution

anonymous hamster
OneBox production wrote:
In action there was a choice of item "Additional product price levels ...". I issue an invoice for 2 hours (1+1), please pay it. If you pay again the last one for 7, the person who accepts will not understand what kind of extra. 2 hours of revision. Thank you.

OK, I'm going to test, but can I pay as the first two payments?
11.02.2022, 18:28
Original comment available on version: ru

EvoSmart Solution

anonymous hamster
OneBox production wrote:
I made it so that in action it was possible to set the Quantity from the formula for the price level.
And added the setting "When uploading "Quantities from" for prices, use integers" in the upload action.

Please tell me what exactly should be indicated in the field "Record the value calculated by the formula in the field" Just Price Type ? and if the modified field Formula for "Quantity from" for "Price (with qty from)" and price levels:
Will be filled from... ??? Everything is wrong???
14.02.2022, 10:09
Original comment available on version: ru

BAAs Dev. wrote:

anonymous hamster
OneBox production wrote:
I made it so that in action it was possible to set the Quantity from the formula for the price level.
And added the setting "When uploading "Quantities from" for prices, use integers" in the upload action.

Please tell me what exactly should be indicated in the field "Record the value calculated by the formula in the field" Just Price Type ? and if the modified field Formula for "Quantity from" for "Price (with qty from)" and price levels:
Will be filled from... ??? Everything is wrong???

Yes, there is just a price type and on the right is the formula for what quantity this price is
14.02.2022, 14:35
Original comment available on version: ru

BAAs Dev. wrote:

anonymous hamster
OneBox production wrote:
In action there was a choice of item "Additional product price levels ...". I issue an invoice for 2 hours (1+1), please pay it. If you pay again the last one for 7, the person who accepts will not understand what kind of extra. 2 hours of revision. Thank you.

OK, I'm going to test, but can I pay as the first two payments?

you should have 3 separate accounts now as far as I understand: for 7h for 1h and for 1h
14.02.2022, 14:36
Original comment available on version: ru

EvoSmart Solution

anonymous hamster
OneBox production wrote:

BAAs Dev. wrote:

anonymous hamster
OneBox production wrote:
In action there was a choice of item "Additional product price levels ...". I issue an invoice for 2 hours (1+1), please pay it. If you pay again the last one for 7, the person who accepts will not understand what kind of extra. 2 hours of revision. Thank you.

OK, I'm going to test, but can I pay as the first two payments?

you should have 3 separate accounts now as far as I understand: for 7h for 1h and for 1h

I made two payments on the card, can I do the same there?
14.02.2022, 14:38
Original comment available on version: ru

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