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Rest API not working after update

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The problem is old.
Adding a PSU via the API was configured.
After buying licenses (a year ago), my box was transferred to their server and a problem was discovered: BPs were no longer created by request (correct request):
"https://ps24crm.ru/api/orders/add/?login=restapi&password=***************&am... order&source=Cme&name=Pit-Stop24 Callme!&clientphone=+7 (121)2121212&clientnamefirst=Petya&comments=test / Call the wizard"
The developers of OneBox proposed a crutch that worked fine - to form requests not through the host name, but through the IP address:
"*************&a... order&source=Cme&name=Pit-Stop24 Callme!&clientphone=+7 (121)2121212&clientnamefirst=Petya&comments=test / Call the wizard"
And this option worked before the MPV update. Now it doesn't work either.
The request was sent both through file_get_co
Original question is available on version: ru


Maybe someone will be useful.
It turned out that only the request sent from one server required www. in front of the host!! (https://www.ps24crm.ru), otherwise the response was a 301 redirect.
I checked from other servers - there were no redirects, the same request returned code 200 with a host without www - https://ps24crm.ru
Some damn thing.
12.11.2020, 08:39
Original comment available on version: ru

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