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Description of API fields

1. Where can we see the description of the fields for the /api/v2/event/set/ method? What values should be specified in the direction key?
2. Does API V2 have a method for searching events by subject and a method for updating events - for example, attaching an audio file?
Original question is available on version: ru


1. https://swagger.1b.app/#/event/event https://tppr.me/KFgySi in the documentation.
2. In the case of a call, you need to wait until you have an audio recording and then push it. There is almost never any point in sending calls via API, since the box has integrations with about 20 telephony systems, you can connect any of them and you will have events for calls from their box.
вчера, 16:06
Original comment available on version: ru

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And what method from the documentation should I use to attach a call, because the doc specifies the POST /api/v2/event/set/ method and that's it. And what method should I use to search by events for the desired recording to which I should attach the audio?
вчера, 16:11
Original comment available on version: ru

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