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Transferring additional product fields via api (v1)

Tell me how to correctly change the value of an additional product field via API. According to the documentation, I tried this “https://{company_url}/api/product/update/?login={login}&password={password}&... but apparently there was an error somewhere ( in customfield_Model={model}) because the field is not updated. Additional field names - Model
Original question is available on version: ru


That’s it, I understood what the problem was - it was also necessary to pass the “name” parameter (in the documentation there, all the required fields except this one are highlighted in green, so I didn’t understand it right away)
01.07.2024, понедельник, 11:45
Original comment available on version: ru

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02.07.2024, вторник, 12:45
«Один юрист із портфелем у руках награбує більше, ніж банда автоматників» Original comment available on version: ru

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