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Good afternoon, please give me the number of hours to add to the API for receiving variants of sources in the vanbox.
No., Source name, External source id, Address, Parent source, UTM source 1, UTM campaign 1, Comment
Original question is available on version: ua


Is there an easier option, only: No., Name of the source
29.05.2024, 19:02
Original comment available on version: ua

Good afternoon, the method will take 2 hours. Bill?
30.05.2024, 12:04
Original comment available on version: ru

Department of Care
OneBox production wrote:
Good afternoon, the method will take 2 hours. Issue an invoice?

30.05.2024, 13:15
Original comment available on version: ua

Павлик Дмитро IT Contrast
Personal license
Leave a message in this thread and the user's contacts will be shown to you
Good day, I still need an API to get the workflow list, (id, Name)
Please update the payment link.
13.06.2024, 14:06
Original comment available on version: ua

Good afternoon. An example of the request you need and an example of a response to a local server is below. In your case, you need your own token and host instead of xxx. Documentation will be updated in a few hours.
curl -X 'POST'\
> 'http://xxx/api/v2/source/get/' \
> -H 'token: xxx' \
> -d '{"fields":["id","name","typeobject","code1c","categoryid","comment","utm_source1","utm_source2","utm_campaign1","utm_campaign2"] }'
{"status":1,"dataArray":[{"id":"1","name":"Source 1","code1c":"","utm_source1":"11","utm_source2":" 22","utm_campaign1":"11","utm_campaign2":"","comment":"","typeobject":"","categoryid":"2"},{"id":"2", "name":"Source 2","code1c":"","utm_source1":"","utm_source2":"","utm_campaign1":"","utm_campaign2":"","comment":"" ,"typeobject":"","categoryid":"0"}]}
The method will be available on all boxes tomorrow.

Pavlik Dmitro
IT Contrast wrote:
Good afternoon, do you need an API to draw the workflow list, (id, Name)

This can be done, it will take 2 hours. You will be issued a separate invoice
17.06.2024, понедельник, 14:04
Original comment available on version: ru

Павлик Дмитро IT Contrast
Personal license
Leave a message in this thread and the user's contacts will be shown to you

let him cook
OneBox production wrote:
Good afternoon. An example of the request you need and an example of a response to a local server is below. In your case, you need your own token and host instead of xxx. Documentation will be updated in a few hours.
curl -X 'POST'\
> 'http://xxx/api/v2/source/get/' \
> -H 'token: xxx' \
> -d '{"fields":["id","name","typeobject","code1c","categoryid","comment","utm_source1","utm_source2","utm_campaign1","utm_campaign2"] }'
{"status":1,"dataArray":[{"id":"1","name":"Source 1","code1c":"","utm_source1":"11","utm_source2":" 22","utm_campaign1":"11","utm_campaign2":"","comment":"","typeobject":"","categoryid":"2"},{"id":"2", "name":"Source 2","code1c":"","utm_source1":"","utm_source2":"","utm_campaign1":"","utm_campaign2":"","comment":"" ,"typeobject":"","categoryid":"0"}]}
The method will be available on all boxes tomorrow.

Pavlik Dmitro
IT Contrast wrote:
Good afternoon, do you need an API to draw the workflow list, (id, Name)

This can be done, it will take 2 hours. You will be issued a separate invoice

Damn, they paid a friend a robe.
20.06.2024, четверг, 11:13
Original comment available on version: ru

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