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Orders do not come from Rozetka

I don’t receive orders in Van Box, perhaps due to the fact that there is some problem with the link (screen) API url https://api-seller.rozetka.com.ua/sites, I wrote in support of the outlet, they answered "For the analysis of the problem, please send us, be kind, ask, like you work on the API. And also all the parameters, like you transmit at once from the request. Please help me fix the problem of loading orders (screen - "new" and "cancelled" did not load)).
Original question is available on version: ru


With a link to the socket API, everything is fine, to receive orders, you must also pass the necessary headers specified in the documentation
Here is the last fresh order received from the outlet https://smartok.org.ua/admin/customorder/order/44605/edit/ - integration is currently working
12.04.2022, 09:39
Original comment available on version: ru

yes, it already worked "by itself", apparently at 03.10 today
12.04.2022, 10:13
Original comment available on version: ru

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