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Search results for query #click-to-call

1 answer
05.04.2021, 13:02
How does clicktucall work if 2 Ringostat telephony cabinets are used?
In boxing, they recently made an integration to connect several Ringostat cabinets. Set up 2 cabinets. when calling from the process, when clicking...
1 answer
14.10.2020, 13:12
Integration with SIPNET
https://wiki.sipnet.ru/index.php?title=API_for_integration_with_CRM We need standard functionality: - click on the phone number to call (click-to-c...
3 answer
CISCO Integration
Good afternoon, how can I set up integration with CISCO telephony.
2014987240 - Improved integration with MCN telephony
Improved integration with MCN telephony. Functional: - click-to-call - audio recordings and call history will automatically fall into events a few ...

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