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Search results for query #ando1592@gmail

Improvement: "Report on product sales for the selected period"
It is necessary to refine the report, namely, to add the "Not sold" column, which will count the quantity of goods from the BP with the O...
Order to the supplier does not work correctly
The business process The order to the supplier is listed as Outgoing, but the total amount and obligations are not calculated correctly. When placi...
How does it work: Product sales report for the selected period?
In the report for the period, it says that 29 pieces of goods were sold, and if you look at the movement of goods for the same period on the Wareho...
31 answer
Synchronization with Google Analytics for tracking end-to-end analytics
How to synchronize CRM with Google Analytics to track end-to-end analytics, so that each transaction would be tied to a specific UTM tag?
Transferring balances to Prom
It is necessary to finalize the transfer of the amount of residues to Prom. At the same time, only goods whose quantity is more than the minimum re...
How to tie a package to each order
You need to tie up the packaging with each order. Basically, retail orders have the same packaging, but if there is a certain product in the order,...
Transfer quantity to Prom
You need to transfer the quantity of goods to Prom. But the standard setting transmits the number rounded to hundredths, and the prom swears that t...
Prom export not working
It stopped transferring balances to Prom normally. They didn't change anything, and there are only 51 pieces in the list of products for transf...
6 replies
29.09.2020, 16:21
integration with COL
every day on the supplier's website, the client takes the price list, and then creates ads for these products on olx, Each posting takes about ...
6 replies
29.09.2020, 11:55
Interested in the possibility of full integration with the Allo marketplace
Hello. Is it possible to fully integrate with allo (as with a socket). I mean automatic loading of orders from allo to crm, transfer of status and ...

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