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5 replies
Barcode scanning
Good afternoon! There is a business process https://nutfarine.crm-onebox.com/admin/customorder/sborka/19568/edit/ there the assembler scans the goo...
1 answer
Evaluate the improvement on the formation of a barcode for products
We can automatically generate a stroke. product code http://i.imgur.com/myJv8Lf.png Is it possible to add the ability to write a variable here. I n...
Bug. With barcode scanner
Bug when working with a barcode scanner. When scanning, it sends a code to telegram. We recorded a video of it happening. https://youtu.be/cLuTag9g...
4 answer
01.09.2020, 15:29
Would like to know if CRM can generate barcodes?
2 answer
28.08.2020, 15:34
Barcode Scanner
The client is interested in connecting a barcode scanner to OneBox. Which barcode scanner would you recommend to a client?
2 answer
25.08.2020, 16:48
Good afternoon friends. How to do? Several options will work: 1 - To generate a barcode when creating a new product Or 2 - What would be copied and...

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