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Search results for query #характеристики товаров

4 answer
19.02.2023, 19:07
Expand the field of characteristic values
Hello. Please expand the field of characteristic values, otherwise you can’t really see anything. If you select for the first time, from further th...
0 replies
Product filters in the online store.
Good afternoon! I load the description of goods, characteristics from an external source through the Universal import "yml". The category...
2 answer
07.09.2022, 15:24
Some characteristics of goods are not selected
Good afternoon. Please tell me why I cannot select some characteristics of goods in the export of goods in order to unload them pointwise. Example...
2 answer
08.05.2022, 17:37
Change the size of the characteristic value field
Hello. I made characteristics and values from socket directories, so the value field is very small and not all values are in the list . Is it poss...

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