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Search results for query #формирование ттн

1 answer
18.07.2022, 19:53
At the Nova Poshta TTN tab, do not add a letter to the booth number
Custom Order https://josera.crm-onebox.com/admin/customorder/order/18694/edit/ In the new address, the number of the booth is 11zh, but when you go...
2015869781 - Added action "Change default New Post office depending on the day of the month"
Added a new automatic action once a day "Change the default account of Nova Poshta depending on the day of the month". In the action sett...
TTN not tracked
Hello, for some reason TTN is not tracked for some orders. The website says it's taken. And in the SRM - That the deadline has expired. Please ...
2 answer
24.06.2021, 16:53
TTN per organization
Can you send a new mail to the "limitation"? So, as the client works with dropshippers, then the customization is set: Vono gives me the...
1 answer
20.01.2021, 19:28
Transfer of 2 or more places to the office of Nova Poshta when forming TTN
Good evening! TTN is no longer formed correctly if there are more than 2 places in the product. https://admin.newtrend.team/admin/customorder/order...
Formation of ttn. please rate the update
We have an iframe https://prnt.sc/vmtdhr It displays the information we need, but the moment is of interest, can we do something so that it is poss...
Bug - does not create TTN of Nova Poshta with Return Delivery (overlay)
the Return Shipping Description and Return Shipping Amount fields are missing. and they are not created. On the 10th it worked, on the 11th it stop...
3 answer
Консалтинговая компания БИТ. Директор
22.09.2020, 14:02
it is not possible to generate TTN of new mail
When creating a TTN, the street of the departure warehouse is not entered, neither manually nor automatically
9 replies
04.09.2020, 12:36
The problem with the formation of TTN NP for sending type "Door-Warehouse"
Good afternoon. There was a problem with the formation of TTN NP for sending type "Door-Warehouse" In the integration settings, I switche...

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