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Search results for query #структура процесса

3 answer
10.05.2023, 16:34
Operation of the PROCESS STRUCTURE block
Please make sure that the block does not disappear completely when the flag is in the OFF state, and in the absence of open processes. Now the s...
2015865237 - Refinement of the block "Process structure"
For the "Process structure" block, the setting "By default, the block is always collapsed" has been added
2015860281 - The functionality of the "Process structure" block has been improved
For the "Process structure" process interface block, the following has been improved: - the ability to minimize parent processes; - the a...
4 answer
09.10.2021, 13:16
OS - Process Structure
The only block that can reflect a complex structure right in the process, but it is very lacking in functionality: 1. Select fields to display. 2....

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