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Search results for query #статус розетка

The request to the Rosette does not pass that the application has been completed.
Good afternoon. Problem with transferring status to Rozetka. The socket done button does not work. It was still working on Saturday. https://box.va...
3 answer
13.07.2020, 20:47
Getting statuses from Rozetka
Hello! I ask you to make "minute automation" for "stages" for Rozetka, namely: for changing statuses on the side of Rozetka. Ve...
4 answer
12.06.2020, 17:40
Connect automation by payment statuses with Rozetka.ua LiqPay
Hello! Please add the ability (automation) to receive the payment status from Rozetka.ua. That is: I have my LipPay plugged into an outlet. And whe...
4 answer
03.06.2020, 10:37
Messages from Rozetka.ua (Acceptance and Sending)
Hello! Please make a full exchange of messages with Rozetka.ua. Now messages only come to OneBox, but sending messages to Rozetka is not possible. ...
2 answer
23.02.2019, 13:21
Integration with Rozetka market price API
At the moment, integration with the Rosette via API is not entirely correct, it mistakenly pulls the recipient's full name from the Login field...

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