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Search results for query #списание товара

5 replies
03.06.2022, 13:32
Goods not written off
Hello! Boxing - azing.1b.app. I can't write off the item with id #3, error 500. Please help me with this issue.
1 answer
04.02.2021, 13:47
Consultation on the action of writing off goods from the warehouse
The system has the ability to write off (namely write off) goods from the warehouse https://prnt.sc/y9j5nl through warehouses. The goods are writte...
8 replies
05.01.2021, 10:34
There is no automatic movement of goods
Tell me why there is no write-off and posting of goods. Traffic stopped on 12/31/2020
1 answer
29.12.2020, 06:53
Warehouse write-off error
Can't write off 1 shoe size Did through warehouses - write-off. All pairs were written off, and size 36 gives an error, although it shows 3 pie...
Pardon Incorrectly written off goods
Wrong goods written off https://rovo.org.ua/admin/customorder/order/975221/edit/ In the Order, є 8 Position of the Product The table shows that all...
3 answer
06.11.2020, 11:15
Manual order and steps
Such a problem. Made a manual order in CRM. The client did not place an order through the site. And when ordering, they immediately set the stage &...
1 answer
05.11.2020, 12:54
Writing off for yourself
Good afternoon. We sometimes need to write off goods at cost (sale to ourselves). What is easier to do, an order at the purchase price or will it b...
2 answer
19.10.2020, 13:53
automatic fuel write-off
The client has a gas station and has a filling station, at the end of the day the client uploads payment data in xls format (there are fields: disc...
16 replies
Baza.cn.ua / Integrator (FOP Kupriyan)
02.10.2020, 10:57
Does not correctly display the status in the process (the list is different) and did not write off the goods, although the "type" moved to the stage
1. Here is the process https://baza.cn.ua/admin/customorder/issue/23224/edit/ Shows such nonsense https://prnt.sc/urq03m That is, according to the ...

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