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Search results for query #создать процесс поставщику

3 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
23.06.2023, 12:01
Add settings to the "Create supplier process" action
Good day, Please update the action "Create supplier process", you need: 1. Add the ability to select Business process and status for creation 2. Se...
1 answer
Personal license
28.10.2021, 18:14
In the client, there is a folding principle of work with post-workers, so as not to give prices and it is necessary to clarify the appearance in di...
2 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
12.10.2021, 09:10
OS - configuring the action Create Process to Vendor
There is a checkbox in the action settings: Create separate business processes for the supplier And when this checkbox is checked, a separate purch...
5 replies
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
06.10.2021, 15:17
OS - action Create process to supplier does not work
Here it is configured https://multiform.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/workflowstatus/96/action/new/ here is the task from under which you need to start...
2015836526 - Improvement "Create a process for a supplier"
Added the setting "If the product has a link to a product from the sales order, copy this link" to the "Create Process to Vendor&quo...
2015811198 - Added a setting to the action "Create a process for a supplier"
The following settings have been added for the "Create a process to a supplier" action: - Additional field of the process product with th...
3 answer
27.05.2021, 16:50
Action consultation Create a process for a supplier
There is an action Create Process to Vendor You can add a setting that will check an additional field of the product of the process, in which the I...
2015780276 - Improved the functionality of the action "Create a process for the supplier"
For the BP action "Create a process for a supplier", the setting "If a supplier is selected, create only processes for this supplier...
8 replies
29.01.2021, 16:40
Action Create Supplier Process
Hello! There is a business process "Order of goods" at the stage "Paid" the action "Create a process for the supplier&quot...
How to robiti shob in the order delivered. podtyaguvsya supplier and client
How to send the order to the supplier podtyaguvsya supplier and client? When an order is completed Automatic actions once per hour "Set the bu...

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