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Search results for query #резерв склада

1 answer
15.02.2022, 08:45
How did you manage to reserve more than what is in stock? OS
Here is the item https://ppikc.crm-onebox.com/app/storage/products/2138/storage/ Why did this happen and how can I make sure it doesn't happen...
2 answer
26.11.2021, 11:40
Help. Again, there is a problem with the remaining stock, in the process the product is displayed as reserved, but it is not in the reserve
Good afternoon. process https://crm.ohrana.ua/admin/customorder/order/2679103/edit/, the item is listed as reserved http://joxi.ru/Dr8YD3EsJxBG7m, ...
1 answer
21.10.2021, 10:33
Checking the reserve and warehouse of the goods in the order
https://crm.mebelok.com/ We need to set up such logic when going to the stage, the action is: Checks for each product whether it is fully reserved ...
5 replies
27.08.2021, 11:48
Action bug "Change a process step when there are enough products in stock"
Good afternoon. Today we encountered a bug in the action "Change the stage of the process if there are enough products in stock." The act...
2015724022 - Added settings to the "Products table" block
In the process interface block "Products by table": - for the "Warehouse reserve" field, the setting "display the date of ...
2015724022 - Added settings to the "Products table" block
In the process interface block "Products by table": - for the "Warehouse reserve" field, the setting "display the date of ...
7 replies
Baza.cn.ua / Integrator (FOP Kupriyan)
10.01.2021, 20:28
Bug - When we edit a warehouse operation, the system removes all reserves associated with this product
There are leftovers on the product https://baza.cn.ua/admin/shop/products/61287/storage/ That is, the screen shows 1 on the balance and 1 on the re...
2014655948 - Improved the functionality of the menu interface of the section "Remains of goods in warehouses"
For the section of reports “Remains in warehouses”, the following has been improved: 1) customizable table header interface, now you can choose whi...

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