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Search results for query #работа с почтой

1 answer
30.06.2022, 10:17
Creation of ttn ukrposhta does not work
TTN ceased to be created, although the settings were not changed. Gives an error: An error occurred while creating the sender address.
gmail integration
Hello, I'm getting the following error. Email IMAP integration error хххххххххх@gmail.com "IMAP Status: Not OK ([CLOSED] IMAP connection b...
9 replies
20.06.2022, 16:09
Emails are not sent
Here (Fig. 1) writes that according to the settings everything is OK and everything is displayed normally. But after sending any letter, nothing c...
4 answer
08.06.2022, 13:24
Post Not Working IMAP Status: NOT OK problem with two-factor
Email does not work IMAP status: NOT OK ([AUTHENTICATIONFAILED] Invalid credentials (Failure) Too many login failures) apparently a problem with tw...
3 answer
22.04.2022, 23:26
mail integration in box stopped working newdelhi.com.ua
mail is not sent from business processes, a letter arrives in the mail with an error: Attention! Integration of your OneBox newdelhi.com.ua with th...
9 replies
05.05.2021, 11:50
Employees do not have the menu item "Create letter"
Attached are screenshots of the administrator and employee. the employee does not have the option to create a letter, although all access settings ...
2 answer
23.03.2021, 17:28
mail distribution from admin mail
Hello, please tell me if it is possible to integrate with the admin mail where all important notifications come and set up the delivery of letters ...
5 replies
23.03.2021, 13:38
if you send email from comments, the sender's mail is by default one for all managers, how to make sure that each manager could send a letter ...

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