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Search results for query #промокод

Wordpress coupon discount
Good day! Generated a discount coupon in Wordpress. How to transfer a customer's order with a discount to OneBox? Thank you!
The promo code from the promo works strangely (discount)
Here is the order https://smallpet.crm-onebox.com/25499/ You can see the price and amount of the discount But the discount is not deducted from th...
1 answer
Applying the promotional code amount to process products
We have the functionality of promotional codes, and more specifically, a block in the admin part, in which you can enter a promotional code and wri...
5 replies
29.07.2021, 13:08
The promo code was not added as a product of the process
Order from Opencart with a coupon. https://one-box.shine-bright.com.ua/admin/customorder/order/213743/edit/ The coupon was applied to the order, bu...
5 replies
05.04.2021, 11:46
Promo code - does not re-create when transferring from PROM
When using a promotional code on PROM, the first order is unloaded as expected, with the added product with a negative price. But if you create ano...

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