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Search results for query #приват 24

2 answer
05.07.2022, 12:15
Payments on Privat 24 do not come
Good afternoon. Privat24 integration is set up for several accounts, but payments from the account Okhrana.ua do not come, there are not a single p...
10 replies
06.06.2022, 11:46
The regular expression does not work and does not find the process to bind the payment
Here is an order https://hellom.1b.app/90/ and it has an ID 2054131775 (Fig. 1) There is automation "Privat24 Autoclient Statement of Account...
3 answer
08.11.2021, 12:15
Integration with Privat 24 does not work
Integration with private 24 does not work for individuals . For legal entities it is set up and everything works for individuals no.
5 replies
27.10.2021, 11:34
Improvement of the action for importing payments from private "Privat24 Autoclient Statement of Accounts"
It is necessary to add in it the choice of an additional field of the process from which to take the rate, if the payment was successfully linked t...
1 answer
25.01.2021, 15:12
Integration with banking systems (Privat24, Mono)
Please tell me if it is possible: 1. Make payments for outgoing payments Privat24? 2. Transfer money between private 24 cards in One Box? 3. How ma...
3 answer
13.01.2021, 19:43
Good afternoon. Tell me what you need to enter in these fields https://crm-onebox.com/en/profile/34994960/support/
8 replies
Finalization of autoclient import automation
Action in automation 1 time per minute Privat 24 Avtoclient account statement https://prnt.sc/wlqlm7 I propose to add the ability to write the priv...
1 answer
11.01.2021, 13:37
How to get a balance for a client with privat24 for business
Now I’ve set it up so that payments are pulled from private and distributed to clients, if the client is not found, create it, the question is how ...
18 replies
15.12.2020, 14:17
I don't receive payments from Privat24 for business, setting up an autoclient
I don't receive payments from Privat24 for business. there are several questions: 1. In the autoclient settings, is the file format for the sta...
9 replies
Baza.cn.ua / Integrator (FOP Kupriyan)
10.12.2020, 16:57
Privat24 Autoclient Checklist for accounts does not find process (rozetka) / box_auto_action_privat24_import_payments_autoclient
Here https://baza.cn.ua/admin/auto/action/minute/edit/ There is an action "Privat24 Autoclient Registration for accounts" In the action, ...

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