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Search results for query #ппо

1 answer
12.10.2020, 18:46
checkbox. Obtaining information about a receipt immediately after creation
If the action of creating a check and receiving information about it are at the same stage, then the receipt of information does not always have ti...
2 answer
Друкарня "Друкарик"
24.09.2020, 17:13
Good day. What do you need to know, what checkbox integration was introduced into Vanbox marektі ?
124 answer
19.09.2020, 12:02
How does Checkbox integration work?
Please give detailed information on how data is transferred to CHECKBOX. -Yur. face (what?) -Discounts (if there are discounts for both the product...
3 answer
16.09.2020, 18:44
Synchronization with GrossBee XXI
A network of retail stores operates at checkouts on the system http://www.grossbee.com/gbxxitech.php3 Requirement - in order not to spend money on ...
3 answer
16.09.2020, 15:51
Make it possible to connect several Checkbox cabinets
At the moment, it is possible to connect one cabinet from the Checkbox in the system. That is, it is possible to use the PRRO only for one legal un...
15 replies
14.09.2020, 13:31
Is it planned to integrate with the service Vchasno. Casa
Is it planned to integrate with the Vchasno - Kasa service? Documentation https://kasa.vchasno.com.ua/check-list If not , what would be the cost of...
39 replies
02.09.2020, 11:23
Integration with digital PPO cash register
Good afternoon. Do you plan to integrate Van Box with the PPO digital cash register? There are already two working solutions: https://checkbox.in.u...

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