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Search results for query #последние события клиента

6 replies
21.09.2022, 00:52
Interface block display bug Latest client events
On the example of the process https://crm.ohrana.ua/admin/customorder/zakaz-klienta/2985591/edit/ there are no events, but at the same time in the...
2015880555 - Added a setting to the "Latest client events" block
The "Show additional event fields" setting has been added to the "Latest client events" block.
1 answer
16.06.2021, 11:17
Refinement in the block of recent events
In the process interface, there is such a block "Last client events" You need to add two functions 1) Pre-audit, x1.5 and x2 2) Enter Tud...
1 answer
14.01.2021, 12:32
Evaluate the revision in the Recent client events block
https://rozpakui.crm-onebox.com/ There is a block Recent client events in the process https://prnt.sc/wnasxa If this is a Call event type, you need...
2015538282 - Improvement of the block “Last client events”
For the interface block of the process “Last client events”, the column “Duration of a call” has been added
2015288772 - Completion of the block “Last customer events” in the contact card
For the interface block of the contact card “Last client events”, the ability to display the “subject” field has been added
2015284531 - Added topic display in the block of recent process events
For the process interface block “Last client events”, the “Show subject column” setting has been added - which allows you to display the subject of...
2014622127 - Added interface block with events in the contact card
For the contact card interface, the “Last client events” block has been added, it also works like a similar block of the process interface, but her...

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