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Search results for query #подпроцессы

3 answer
10.05.2023, 16:34
Operation of the PROCESS STRUCTURE block
Please make sure that the block does not disappear completely when the flag is in the OFF state, and in the absence of open processes. Now the s...
4 answer
23.11.2021, 11:26
Interface Block Consultation Subprocess Block
There is a block in the Subprocess block interface. It outputs the subprocesses of the current process, the parent, and the topmost parent. You can...
5 replies
22.10.2021, 17:39
OS - Subprocess Block (again)
We fought so much to make this block look normal and it was convenient to work with it, but here again there are problems. - there is no way to rem...
Fields from parent BP are not copied
Good afternoon. At a certain stage of the BP, a subtask (subprocess) is created, but the values of not all fields are copied into similar fields of...
1 answer
Create subprocess
For work, the client needs to add a condition to the action to create a Sub-Process (action_block_sub_workflow) - take into account the work schedu...
1 answer
01.12.2020, 17:22
List subprocesses
Tell me, is it possible, by analogy with the goods https://prnt.sc/vtol64, to display subprocesses in the list of processes? If so, how?
2 answer
23.10.2020, 13:08
Process printing
We have route sheets, this is a process and there are sub-processes (deliveries) in it. Opening the route http://crm.mebelok.com/admin/list/customo...
2015600995 - Improvement of the LC block “All subprocesses of the current process”
For the block “All subprocesses of the current process” of the LC interface, the settings have been improved: - hide the column with process id; - ...
2015338113 - Refinement of the column for the list of processes
Improved the ability to display a column in the list of processes, which will display the number of subprocesses in a given business process and stage

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