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Do not spratsovuє blocking the transition to the stage
Butt to the process https://box.ltec.com.ua/13736/ Є field "Troubleshooting file" field type file. In customizations, the interface is se...
5 replies
02.06.2022, 15:37
Does not go to the stage (interface)
Here is the order https://onetos.org.ua/248906/ I specify the client, I press "in work" I get a plaque - "saved" But at the s...
15 replies
30.09.2021, 16:16
how to upload transition dates to milestones
Hello, in the business process there is a date-time display - what time did the transition to each stage take place .. Tell me how to upload these ...
4 answer
How to move a business process to a certain stage when a condition is met?
There is a business process in which you need to fulfill the condition: If the article contains a certain combination of numbers, you need to trans...
1 answer
01.04.2021, 16:44
When you go to the stage, the Changes window is displayed. It may not be saved even without making a change to the process.
At the stage of the process, the action Redirect the user to the specified URL is set, when going to the stage with this action, a warning window a...
2 answer
17.03.2021, 20:43
Pardon for the transition to the stage
If you try to go to the stage, a pardon is announced: Can you tell me, are the stars out of the way? https://zhiraf.crm-onebox.com/admin/customord...
7 replies
10.02.2021, 13:26
The window in the calendar does not reload when going to any stage
The window in the calendar does not reload when going to any stage Reload on save https://one-box.shine-bright.com.ua/admin/customorder/issue/mode/...
2 answer
05.02.2021, 14:54
Doesn't skip a stage
In the task https://ukrpromspec.onebox-system.com/admin/customorder/prodazhi/132029/edit/ does not skip to the stage , writes that the field &quot...
3 answer
04.02.2021, 11:13
How to switch to a stage depending on the time of day?
Good afternoon, what actions can be taken so that, depending on the current date, there is a transition to another stage, for example, from 21:00 t...
4 answer
22.01.2021, 19:53
BUG does not work stage change action.
Here is the action which does not work. At the stage "No payment", there are no actions prohibiting the transition However, there are o...

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