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Search results for query #переменные документов

3 answer
Variables_Product parameters
I put an action - https://kvplus.crm-onebox.com/app/workflow/16/procedure/11/ "Change the value of the additional process product field depend...
2 answer
13.05.2021, 23:15
Document variables: lookup fields
Good afternoon! Tell me, how do the variables of the reference fields work in document templates? When forming a document in the process, we need t...
1 answer
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
22.02.2021, 10:44
fix work of variables in templates (date format)
templates no longer display dates in string format please correct here is the template https://crm.swisstrade.com.ua/admin/shop/document/template...
2015319847 - Refinement of variables
Improved document variables that work like the “additional wallet account information” variable, but take the process wallet.

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