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Search results for query #параметры ттн

5 replies
08.05.2023, 23:00
I ask you to correct the field "Department" in the interface block "Parameters of TTN"
Guys, tell me, can I correct the field "Department" in the interface block "Parameters of TTN"? Now, in order to select a branch, you need to press...
4 answer
07.01.2023, 15:59
Twisting block Parameters TTN Nova Poshta
In MVP, the TTH Parameters block was in 2 columns, if the width allowed. Can you do the same?
3 answer
03.01.2023, 01:12
Screen jump to the TTH Parameters block in the weight field
Is it possible to disable the screen rewind to the TTN Parameters block to the weight field? In MVP, this has not been the case for the past few ye...
3 answer
05.03.2022, 02:23
BUG: TTN parameters are not displayed in the process
TTN parameters are not displayed in the process https://crmvolonter.1b.app/6/ https://crmvolonter.1b.app/app/workflowtype-zayavki/workflowstatus/52...
3 answer
20.11.2021, 13:59
Change the address in the TTN parameters block
There was a question https://1b.app/ru/support/logistics-and-delivery-services/10717-pri-sozdanii-ttn... We change the a...
2015739426 - Added BP action "Change TTN payer depending on amount or additional process field"
Added a new business process action "Change TTN payer depending on the amount or additional process field" . The action allows in the fie...
2 answer
23.01.2021, 19:46
Changing the block "Parameters of the TTN"
Hello! Tell me, is it possible to add the possibility of wider control in the context of its display in the process to the "TCP Parameters&quo...
2015702720 - Added setting "When choosing a city, do not automatically select the first branch from the list"
In the "TCP Parameters" block, a checkmark "When choosing a city, do not automatically select the first branch from the list." ...
2015676822 - Added a setting to the "TTN Parameters" block
Added the setting "Show address reset button" for the process interface block "TCP parameters"
The functionality of the interface block of the order card “TTN parameters” has been improved
Added fields when choosing the type of delivery of NP: Warehouse-Doors, Doors-Doors in the "Consignment Item Parameters" block. Data is t...

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