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Search results for query #копировать поля процесса

6 replies
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
21.07.2022, 10:05
Evaluate the workflow Copy process fields
At the same time, it is not possible to select a customization from a diї, so that you can copy the value from the field to the process: Descriptio...
7 replies
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
11.05.2022, 12:51
add the "Copy process fields" checkbox
please evaluate the addendum "Copy process fields" as an alternative, also the creation of changes, available for filling through the &qu...
2015849427 - Improved the functionality of the action "Copy process fields"
For the "Copy process fields" action, the ability to copy the order.order_storagetoid and order.order_storagecellid fields into additiona...
2015698509 - Improved the functionality of the "Copy process fields" action
For the BP action "Copy process fields", the setting "If the client of the process is a company, when copying is selected from the C...
1 answer
11.11.2020, 21:23
Copying the name of the company or holding company
There is an action Copy process fields https://prnt.sc/vhkq4w You can add a selection of the process client company name field if the client of the...
2015427444 - Improved action “Copy process fields”
For the BP action “Copy process fields”, the ability to specify the Return shipping number in the “Take value from the process field” setting has b...
2015373157 - Improved action “Copy process fields”
For the BP action “Copy process fields”, the ability to select the “External process id” field has been improved
2015345545 - Improved action “Copy process fields”
For the BP action “Copy process fields”, the ability to copy values from the fields "warehouse manager" and "cell manager" has ...
2015229173 - Improvement of the action “Copy process fields”
For the “Copy process fields” action, the ability has been improved, in the “write value in the process field” setting, select the “process discoun...
2015205522 - Improved action “Copy process fields”
For the BP action “Copy process fields”, the ability to copy the value of the “Warehouse name to be moved” field has been improved

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