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Search results for query #код поставщика

5 replies
04.10.2022, 18:53
Search by supplier code stopped working
Hello. In the list of products https://cabinet.tehnolavka.com.ua/app/product/, the search does not search for the supplier code https://prnt.sc/LOp...
6 replies
26.04.2022, 23:42
Adding one supplier code to two products
Hello. At the moment, if you add one supplier code to two products, then when recalculating, one becomes in stock and the other is out of stock. Is...
8 replies
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
13.09.2021, 13:26
Why does not update the supplier's product
There is a supplier that we ship from two price lists - first price xml - loads RRP - the second Google table - fill in the purchase and availabili...
3 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
15.01.2021, 15:19
Refinement, search by
Good afternoon, we have a posting BP in which we add a file received from suppliers with prices and quantity of goods through the "Product Imp...
2 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
16.12.2020, 14:39
Add to "Product Import Block" search by "Supplier Code"
Good afternoon, we have a BP of posting from the supplier to which we add the file received from the supplier with the prices and quantity of goods...
2015671759 - Added automatic action once a day "Clear suppliers in the product card"
Added a new automatic action once a day "Clear suppliers in the product card". The action is triggered once a day and removes from the pr...
2015096809 - Added variables to letters
Improved smarty variable Supplier code (suppliercode)
2014993882 - Improved action “Copy supplier field to additional product field”
For the product automation action (action on saving) “Copy supplier field to additional product field”, the ability to write the value of the varia...
1 answer
30.04.2019, 16:13
In the MP (mobile application) in the Product Card, add a field
In the MP (mobile application) in the Product Card, add the field "Supplier Code" http://joxi.ru/Vm6oQPbc4z6KP2

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