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Search results for query #исходящие звонки

1 answer
Personal license
07.08.2023, 14:35
Outgoing not working
Integration works calls come to CRM, https://prnt.sc/bOLTd5ivjr4m and it is possible to call only directly from Binotel, but from CRM it gives an ...
Call events are not being pulled correctly
Before moving the system to a new server, it worked as follows: Outgoing calls from the employee who makes the call (internal number) are recorded ...
weekend calls
Calls from the vanbox via binotel do not work, you see the pardon "Binotel API pardon. Reverse integration." That is the problem with int...
Weekend calls.
Good afternoon, Channel Service Vadim. Calls from the vanbox via binotel do not work, you see the pardon "Binotel API pardon. Reverse integrat...

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