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Search results for query #интеграция с тильда

9 replies
31.03.2022, 01:00
Throws an error when adding code
https://newtrend.team/tilda/push/ When I insert a link into the webhook settings, it gives an error [CODE: 0] webhook timeout.. How to fix it?
4 answer
26.01.2022, 07:50
Data not being transferred from Tilda
The integration is configured according to the instructions, but the phone number is not displayed in the box, only test:test is written, BP A simp...
3 answer
Tilda integration - how to move the process to the right stage?
Orders come from Tilda, we have one BP for orders. But in the case of Prom, Rozetka - we have the opportunity to accept the BP at the desired stage...
1 answer
11.03.2021, 16:39
The name of the product option in the Tilde form is copied to the Form field record setting in the process field
The name of the product option in the Tilde form is copied to the Form field record setting in the process field In the integration setting with Ti...
2 answer
28.01.2021, 10:42
Tilda integration not working
After your finalization (tick did use the phone as an estate for lead generation) With incoming applications, automation worked a couple of times a...
14 replies
12.01.2021, 13:35
Tilda integration not working
Integration is set up (according to the instructions, different checkboxes and fields were tried), when filling out the form, only a contact is cre...
9 replies
КОмпания "Моношоп". Владелец
15.12.2020, 23:37
Improve integration with Tilda
Description: In the Tilda logs, you can see that the color and size come from Tilda It is necessary to add the ability to write these data (parame...
7 replies
20.11.2020, 14:58
Does not tighten the product when ordering from Tilda
Good afternoon. For some reason, the goods in the order from Tilda do not stretch. The article was written in the tilde https://prnt.sc/vmtoey, the...

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