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Search results for query #группы клиентов

1 answer
Refinement into action Remove from group
- add the selection of All groups at once to such an action How many hours?
4 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
17.03.2021, 12:49
Urgent, we can't work, a bug, they stopped working out automatic actions
The automatic action once a minute "Generate business processes for clients of a contact group" was configured to work correctly until 00...
2 answer
16.03.2021, 10:29
Automatic redistribution of a client to a group
Good afternoon! We have a number of contact groups , all of them mean the size of the discount on the product. We made that the discount depends o...
3 answer
09.01.2021, 14:02
Setting special prices for customer groups, taking into account the category and brand
Hello! We made such a revision https://crm-onebox.com/en/support/orders/1908-spetsialnie-tseni-dlya-klienta-s-u... 1. I woul...
1 answer
25.12.2020, 11:27
Transfer to a group
How is it possible to move clients to other groups if he has already placed orders for certain amounts before? For example, I made an order for 500...
2014728088 - Automatic action for counting age
Improved automatic action once a day: “Calculate the date difference and write in an additional field for a group of contacts” There are settings i...
2014536218 - Added product list functionality for customer groups
Added the ability to specify a list of products in the customer group settings. In the product search setting, a checkbox “Display only products ac...

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