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6 replies
28.05.2022, 14:30
OS call popup
Hello! In the OS, it became impossible to go from the pop-up window of the call to the contact card. Is this a bug? Or did you finally decide to ma...
5 replies
04.05.2022, 10:26
Popup not working
The call pop-up window does not appear from the right panel of the program, that is, with an incoming or outgoing call, Zhachek Maxim Aleksandrovic...
1 answer
06.09.2021, 11:57
OneBoxOS. The process from the pop-up window is not created.
In the settings of the pop-up window there is such a block (Fig. 1) The process from the pop-up window is not created, but jumps to the preliminar...
4 answer
No popup appears
Set up integration with Phonet When making a call from CPM by clicking on the phone number in the client card, dialing actually occurs, however, no...

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